Item Database:Ships:Cruisers:Advanced Cruisers
General Overview
Advanced Cruisers are the tech 2 versions of standard cruisers. They fulfill a great variety of roles.
Heavy Assault Cruisers
Heavy Assault Cruisers(HACs), are combat cruisers, by far superior to their tech 1 relatives. They are made to deal very high amounts of damage, while still being able to withstand a considerable amount of fire. They are worth much more than their price, and they are widely used for their capabilities mainly in small and large fleets and gangs.
Logistics cruisers are support ships. They are able to repair allied ships very efficiently and quickly, and because of that, are a common sight in Incursion site gangs, but also in PVP fleets, especially battleship fleets, so that the battleship pilots can leave aside repairing modules to focus on a stronger tank or on more firepower.
Heavy Interdictors
Heavy Interdictor cruisers, are cruisers meant to pull hostile ships out of warp and thus set up blockades. Because of their purpose, they never fly solo, and are a very rare sight in lowsec. They are put to use mainly in nullsec by player corporations and alliances.
Recon Ships
Recon ships are cruisers with high electronics capabilities, intended mainly for electronic warfare, at the which they excel more than almost any other vessel. The fact they can use covert ops cloaking devices make them even more powerful. Due to their high capabilities, it is not uncommon to find these kind of ships flying solo. Their cloaking capabilities also make it possible for a recon ship to be a good cynosural field ship, which thus sees Recon ships having a very important role, other than reconnaissance, in fleet engagements.
Strategic Cruisers
Strategic Cruisers are extremely deadly combat vessels. They are the most customizable of ships, due to the fact they are equipped with subsystems, each of the which gives a different bonus to the ship. The wide range of subsystem types gives Strategic Cruisers an equally wide range of capabilities and roles. However, whatever the subsystems, SCs are one of the most powerful vessels. The sight of a single cruiser of this class is enough to make any small gang reluctant to attack, and enough to scare off almost anyone. Naturally, a Strategic Cruiser's very expensive, and requires a large amount of well trained skills to be used properly. As a consequence, SCs are not common compared to other ship types.