Reference: CCP Deliverables from June 2010 Summit (CSM)
During the June 2010 Council of Stellar Management Summit in Iceland, CCP committed to providing the CSM and/or community with a number of dev blogs, reports, and other items. These items are discussed in the Summit Minutes. For convenient reference, they are listed below with current status and follow-up history.
[hide]- 1 Produce an Itemized List of CSM Submitted Items in Backlog
- 2 Identify Tool/Process Change to Tag CSM Items in Backlog
- 3 Publish a Dev Blog on Excellence
- 4 Publish a Dev Blog on the Tyrannis Snafu: Numbers, Impact, Causes, Etc.
- 5 Report to CSM on Percentages of PI Participation in Null, Low, and High Sec
- 6 Report to CSM on Low Sec Demographic Data
- 7 Publish a Low Sec Statistics Dev Blog (will satisfy previous item in list)
- 8 Publish a Dev Blog on MMO Scaling Issues
- 9 Request High Priority for Corporate Management UI Fixes from Internal Decision Makers (Again); Report Outcome to CSM
- 10 Provide CSM with Time Estimates for List of Balance Issues We Will Provide
- 11 Provide Draft Summit Minutes to CSM for Review/Approval
- 12 Report to CSM on Accessibility Alternatives to Widescreen Removal
Produce an Itemized List of CSM Submitted Items in Backlog
Status: Delivered
23JUL2010--CCP replied that the effort is on track.
22OCT2010--CCP delivered to CSM.
Identify Tool/Process Change to Tag CSM Items in Backlog
25JUL2010--CCP reported no progress yet.
17AUG2010--Needs CSM follow-up for status update
22OCT2010--CCP described process to CSM (manual entry; tagging item titles with "CSM").
Publish a Dev Blog on Excellence
Status: Undelivered
17AUG2010--No progress yet (but CCP Oveur hinted he might do it a few days ago in a forum response; fingers crossed!)
Publish a Dev Blog on the Tyrannis Snafu: Numbers, Impact, Causes, Etc.
Status: Undelivered
17AUG2010--Appears to be deferred to and planned as content in the Q3 Quarterly Economic Newsletter.
Report to CSM on Percentages of PI Participation in Null, Low, and High Sec
Status: Undelivered
17AUG2010--Needs CSM follow-up for status update
Report to CSM on Low Sec Demographic Data
Status: Undelivered
23JUL2010--CCP reports should be delivered within six weeks. CSM will follow up in about 3 weeks again for a status check.
17AUG2010--Needs CSM follow-up for status update
Publish a Low Sec Statistics Dev Blog (will satisfy previous item in list)
Status: Undelivered
17AUG2010--Needs CSM follow-up for status update
Publish a Dev Blog on MMO Scaling Issues
25JUL2010--CCP reported no progress yet.
Request High Priority for Corporate Management UI Fixes from Internal Decision Makers (Again); Report Outcome to CSM
Status: Delivered
17AUG2010--Needs CSM follow-up for status update
Delivered via email.
Provide CSM with Time Estimates for List of Balance Issues We Will Provide
Status: Undelivered
25JUL2010--Korvin reports the “Balance List” he is drafting will be ready for CSM review in 3-4 days, after which it can be submitted to CCP for time estimates.
13AUG2010--List posted on CSM Internal Forums and being discussed by CSM and devs participating there.
28NOV2010--CSM has not yet submitted a balance list; still under discussion.
Provide Draft Summit Minutes to CSM for Review/Approval
29JUN2010--Request to review minutes prior to publication sent to CCP Xhagen
02JUL2010--Draft received from CCP.
03JUL2010--CSM edits added; draft returned to CCP
09JUL2010--CCP returned the draft with mostly minor edits
11JUL2010--"Approved for publication" final draft sent to CCP
Report to CSM on Accessibility Alternatives to Widescreen Removal
17AUG2010--Needs CSM follow-up for status update
01SEP2010: Answer received (story added to backlog to reinstate functionality in some manner yet to be determined)