5% Voter issue (CSM)

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Raised by: Inanna Zuni
Submission Date: 09-06-2008
Issue ID: 0010


  • The 5% rule as required by CCP is based on the full number of current accounts of EVE players and bears no relation to the number actually actively involved in either the debates of the CSM or in the EVE forums generally. It should be changed to some other value, preferably calculated as a percentage of those who actually voted in each election.
  • The 5% rule for pilots to force the CSM to bring up an issue was set as a percentage of *accounts* whereas posting on the EVE forums is by *pilot name*. The two are not directly convertible by the CSM and would require CCP to validate the list of pilots who had supported a topic here and how many accounts they represented (clearly it is always fewer, but no idea by how much). As such the 5% percentage is impossible to police at this time unless an 'out of game' interface is created (very unlikely)

Potential Solutions

  • Change the 5% of accounts to 5% to total amount of votes cast.

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