Category talk:CSM Submission

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Revision as of 20:34, 3 September 2010 by Aster1x (Talk)

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PROBLEM: Pilots can cloak an alt or any character and go to bed, or work or just afk and negatively impact other null sec pilots by stopping them from playing EVE and ratting/mining without ANY RISK of being found and killed.

SOLUTION: Create a module that can decloak all ships system wide, or even just ships that are neutral or red to you. You could give the module a 20 minute cycle time or make it prevent you from moving like a cyno field generator does. You could make the module require a specific ship class with high fitting requirements. Pilots who are actually active can immediately re-activate their cloak if they are decloaked.

SOLUTION 2: Give a cloaking device a cycle time of 20 minutes with no auto-repeat. Cloak must be manually turned back on.

PROS: AFK cloaky pilots have a chance of being decloaked and scanned down, and are therefore not invulnerable.


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