Forum timer - Again (CSM)
From Backstage Lore Wiki
Revision as of 16:19, 12 August 2010 by Trebor Daehdoow (Talk)
- Title: Forum timer - Again
- Raised by: TeaDaze
- Submission Date: 02 May 2010
- Issue ID: ???
- Implemented by CCP: 12 Aug 2010
At the CSM summit CCP commited to reducing the 5 min forum timer
CCP announced that the timer will be reduced but should the problem, excessive spam messages, it was designed to curb return the changes will be reverted.
This hasn't happened yet. I would like an update on the progress of this as it should be a trivial case to reduce the 5 mins to (for example) 2 mins...
Potential Solution
Reduce the timer as promised.
- Less frustration when trying to reply to multiple threads
- Reduced number of people logging out and back in again to circumvent the timer
- Forum spamming might resume
Relevant Forum Threads
- (Most recent but this has come up repeatedly)
Meeting Minutes
No vote required