Prevent cloaked ships in same gang/fleet from decloaking each other
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Revision as of 04:20, 22 July 2010 by Trebor Daehdoow (Talk)
- Raised by: Avalloc
- Submission Date: 27 September 2009
- Issue ID: tbd
It is difficult to conduct bombing runs (stealth bombers) or coordinate group movements with cloaked ships (recons and covert ops). They can decloak each other if you try to move them together.
If you're cloaked in gang/fleet with another cloaked ship you can't decloak them. Nor can they decloak you.
- Because there is no way to know where your fleetmates are when cloaked you can't avoid coming too close to them. This solution solves that problem.
- Cloaked gangs will become deadlier by not accidently revealing each other.
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