Guristas Annex

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Revision as of 03:48, 21 July 2010 by ISD Keitiro (Talk)

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Complex Details
Guristas Annex
Signature Strength NA
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating
Security 0.2-0.4
Known Regions Black Rise,Lonetrek,The Citadel
Pirate type Guristas

A two room deadspace complex with Guristas NPCs.

In the first room there are many (~10) battleships, many (~7) cruisers and several frigates. Ranges to enemies vary from point blank to ~60 km.

On warp in to the first room you may get stuck on several structures, limiting your ability to maneuver (or warp out). You are also webbed immediately.

Second pocket requires a Guristas Platinum Tag in your cargo hold.

The expedition starts off in lowsec and ends in 00.

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