Royal Knights of The One (Player corporation)

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ROYAL KNIGHTS OF THE ONE ( Player Corporation)

File:422285107 128.png

Royal Knights of The One is an Anti-Piracy corporation. we are accepting all types of players. For PvPers tho they must not have sec stats lower then 0.0

RKTO is the head corporation of "The Cronos Federation"(TCF).

We work in the fields of indy, PvP (Anti-piracy) and PvE.

For more info about our corporation please send a evemail too one of our diplomats. :)


1: Royalreaper - CEO of RKTO and Head of Industry

2: Vermifax - Head of Recon and Stealth team of RKTO

3: Legion1123 - Royal Knight of TCF and Tactical Leader of RKTO

4: Natetownds - Paladin and Personal Director for RKTO

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