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A Corporation\Alliance that rents space from sovereignty holding alliance. The term renter has been in use since the Greater BoB Coalition.

A renter is usually a large corporation or a small alliance that has no political ambitions in null security space, or lacks the means and\or manpower to fulfill it, and thus buys systems and\or entire constellations for the purpose of creating a large income source for its members and creating infrastructure for future expansion.

Renters are not expected to fight, and are not required to police their own space. The space is policed by the landlord alliance. Although renters are put in the blue lists of coalitions and alliances, they are not considered true part of it.

Renters operate in the systems they are given, and are not allowed to "invade" other territories. They may put up towers and use existing stations for their manufacturing\trading\researching.

There are many forms of renting contracts in existence. Some favor monthly upkeep price, to cover the rented systems sovereignty bill and create a small profit for the landlord alliance. Other form of contracts may include super capital construction, payment in ores or minerals or other products. Each alliance sets its own rates by taking into account the system's potential wealth, position, policing duties and other factors.

As long as a renter pays in any form of currency for the space it lives in, he is considered as such. When renters provide military help and are given the space they live in, they are upgraded from "renter" status to "pet" status (see the term pet)

During wars of conquest, renters are the first to evacuate and\or switch side. Betting on the wrong team may cause them to be ousted out.

Renters have become a significant source of income for coalitions post-dominion, with the introduction of system upkeep bills and the decrease from R64 moon income due to the tech 2 production changes.

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