Local Serpentis Production Installation

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Revision as of 20:25, 10 March 2010 by Obsidian Hawk (Talk)

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Complex Details
Local Serpentis Production Installation
Signature Strength  ???
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unrated
Security Highsec
Known Regions
Pirate type Serpentis

"A myriad of technological marvels inhabit this area of space, the physical guts of a powerful and well protected computerized network. A codebreaker module will be invaluable in uncovering the secrets that are likely hidden here, locked away inside data vaults and heavily encrypted digital networks. "

The serpentis have several production factilities all over New Eden, the local installations are small tactical ones. They are lightly defended by destroyers and frigates and contain several areas which can be hacked using a codebreaker module. But the serpentis are good at hiding their facilities and this one needs to be tracked down through exploration.

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