0rizen Nation (Player alliance)

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File:Yllej gniht.jpg
Name 0rizen Nation
Ticker 0RN
Type 0.0
Founded November 25th, 2009
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO Yllej Gniht
Diplomat(s) Legion Reaver
Jan Po
Erus Fatum
Shane Wolfe
Public Channel 0rizen
Website [ ]
Executor 0rizen
Members 0RUS

0rizen Nation is the logical step in the evolution of 0rizen's history. The 0rizenese population has been thriving in a democracy, overlooked by politicaly different Alliances since its inception. Now, the 0rizenese population is proud to be their own masters, and building up their numbers in a democratic way of life.


Alliance Creation

Through deliberations inside the 0rizen Corporation, consensus has been achieved to create our own Alliance. Thus, 0rizen Nation was born on the 25th of November, 2009.

Wicked Creek Settlement

As of January 18th 2010, 0RN has acquired full Wicked Creek Resident Status. From this date on, migration efforts have been pushed so that the entire 0RN population (except 0RUS) migrates and settles down into Wicked Creek.

Twin Paradox's Departure

On January 30th 2010, Twin Paradox Corporation left 0rizen Nation. Twin Paradox, a Wormhole based corporation, could not benefit from the 0RN Structure and they did not want to move to 0.0. Alliance Tax without Alliance Services was redundant, so TWPAR left.

Poltergeist. War

As of 2010.01.22 21:54 EVE Time, 0rizen Nation is at war with Poltergeist. Corporation. When Yllej Gniht asked Poltergeist.'s CEO Cosmic Cowboy the reasons why there was a War declared on 0RN, the reasons specified looked random and without any cause. 0RN will adress this war just like any other; with the utmost seriousness.

Political Structure

Representative Democracy

Through intense deliberations inside the 0rizen Corporation, it has been decided that the Alliance Level Political Structure would be a representative democracy. Moreover, we chose a presidential system, or something as close as possible to that, as allowed by the CCP Mechanics and the relative movement of capsuleers.

How a Law is made

The Executor can propose a Law to the House or the House can propose one. After that, the House needs to vote on it and obtain a majority vote (50%+1) for it to move on. From there, the Law moves to the Senate, and this Senate has to vote on that Law at a strong majority (66%) for it to move on.

When a Law has been approved by both the House and the Senate, the Executor signs the Law for it to be official. Once it has been made, the Tribunal makes sure that this Law is enforced.

Please note: Although it is a simplistic Presidential System, we feel that it is the closest that we can have inside EVE Online.

Alliance Divisions

0rizen Nation is composed of the 0rizen Executor Corporation, its 3 Daughter Corporations and the other corporations that have joined our ranks since our inception.

0rizen Recruitment Unit and Support [0RUS]

This is 0rizen Nation's university, where beginning pilots can join and learn the ropes of being in a large alliance. There, they can learn the skills necessary to join 0rizen, or any other corporation. These 0RUS capsuleers only have 3 months to train up; after that, they need to either have the required skills to join 0rizen, or must depart to some other ventures.

0rizen Shipyards and Innovations [0RSI]

This is effectively the hearth and soul of the Science and Industry strength of 0rizen Nation. In there, only the most dedicated Science and Industry capsuleers can be recruited from the 0rizen Executor Corporation.

0rizen Special Warfare and Tactics [0SWAT]

This is effectively the best of the best fighters of the 0rizenese population. In there, only the most dedicated PvP capsuleers can be recruited from the 0rizen Executor Corporation.


Chapter 0 - Statement of acceptation

  • 0 - By this article, it is understood that any prior Constitution is abolished and that this here present Constitution is now the accepted one.


Chapter I - General application dispositions

Section I - Definitions

  • 1 - "The Executor" is understood to be the CEO of the Executor Corporation of the Alliance.
  • 2 - "Executor Corporation" is understood to be the original 0rizen Corporation.
  • 3 - "Member Corporation" is understood to be a Corporation inside the Alliance.
  • 4 - "War Time Status" is a special circumstance where the Executor takes all powers of congress assess a specific threat for a limited time only.
  • 5 - "Congress" is understood to be two distinct entities, the House of Representatives and the Senate.
  • 6 - "House of Representatives" (from here on refered to as "House") is the instance through which new laws are formed and proposed to the Senate.
  • 7 - "Senate" is understood to be the instance which accepts the new laws proposed by the House.
  • 8 - "Tribunal" is understood to be the instance which judges and applies sanctions to faults to the laws of congress.
  • 9 - "Speaker of the House" is understood to be an elected member within the House of Representatives.
  • 10 - "President of the Senate" is understood to be the 0rizen Shipyards and Innovations Corporation CEO.
  • 11 - "Alliance Operation" is understood to be an Alliance-wide planned operation.
  • 12 - "Homeland Defense" is understood to be the Defense of space where the Alliance is known to be resident in.
  • 13 - "Strike" is understood to be a 'penalty' or warning issued to a Corporation.


Section II - Functions and powers of the Executor

  • 14 - The Executor can propose to Congress any potential Member Corporation.
    • 14.1 - Any corporation smaller than 35 members cannot become part of 0rizen Nation other than through a merger within 0rizen Executor.
      • 14.1.1 - A corporation could still join 0rizen Nation without merging, but they will not have Congressional representation until such time as they have at least 35 members.
    • 14.2 - A corporation that has a demographic decline and goes under the 35 member population will be asked to merge with 0rizen Executor, or to lose Member Corporation status.
      • 14.2.1 - Such a corporation could avoid merger, but would lose Congressional representation until such time as they have at least 35 members.
    • 14.3 - All 0rizen Daughter Corporations are exempted from the above.
  • 15 - The Executor can initiate War Time Status.
    • 15.1 - During War Time Status, the Executor can temporarily remove all Senate and House rights, as deemed necessary.
    • 15.2 - War Time Status can be broken by popular vote of the Senate with a 66% vote against the War Time Status.
  • 16 - The Executor can propose any law to the House and force a vote by the House on the topic.
    • 16.1 - The Executor has a Veto Power that can be used to pass a law or to prevent a law from being accepted.
    • 16.2 - The Veto Power can be reversed if both the Senate and the House are voting against the Veto Power at a 66% strength.


Section III - Functions and powers of Congress

  • 17 - The House can write up laws as deemed necessary for the Alliance.
    • 17.1 - Laws must be approved by a majority vote (50%+1) of the House before being presented to the Senate.
    • 17.2 - One representant per 35 members (Real-Life persons count only) per Member Corporation.
Example: A 70 member corporation would thus have 2 House Representants.
    • 17.3 - Representants have to be renewed every 3 months.
    • 17.4 - The Speaker of the House has no vote except to break a tie within the House.
    • 17.5 - Representants are chosen amongst their corporation by the methods decided within this corporation.
  • 18 - The Senate's purpose is to adopt laws proposed by the House.
    • 18.1 - Laws are approved through a strong majority vote(66%).
    • 18.2 - The President of the Senate is the 0rizen Shipyards and Innovations Corporation CEO.
    • 18.3 - All CEOs of all Member Corporations are Senators (except the 0rizen Daughter Corporations).
    • 18.4 - Each Member Corporation presents 2 Senators to the Senate.
    • 18.5 - Senators are in place for 6 months and none shall be there for a consecutive 12 months (except CEOs).
    • 18.6 - The President of the Senate has no vote except to break a tie within the Senate.


Section IV - Functions and powers of the Tribunal

  • 19 - The Tribunal is present to administer the Chapter II of this Constitution.
  • 20 - The Tribunal is composed of the entire 0rizen Special Warfare and Tactics population, with the 0rizen Special Warfare and Tactics CEO acting as its representative.


Section V - Functions and powers of 0RSI

  • 21 - 0rizen Shipyards and Innovations Corporation will be, in effect, the Industrial and Scientific Authority within the Alliance.
  • 22 - All 0rizen Shipyards and Innovations Pilots can only be recruited from 0rizen Corporation, and such only after a pilot has been part of 0rizen Corporation for at least 28 days.


Section VI - Functions and powers of 0SWAT

  • 23 - 0rizen Special Warfare and Tactics Corporation will be, in effect, the Warfare Authority within the Alliance.
  • 24 - All 0rizen Special Warfare and Tactics Pilots can only be recruited from 0rizen Corporation, and such only after a pilot has been part of 0rizen Corporation for at least 28 days.


Section VII - Rights and Liberties of Member Corporations

  • 25 - All Member Corporations can operate their inner political structure as they see fit. However, Corporations will have to obey the principles of the 0rizen Nation Constitution.
    • 25.1 - All Member Corporations will pay a monthly tax to 0rizen Nation, administered by 0rizen Executor.
      • 25.1.1 - 0rizen Executor will keep this Taxed-ISK separately in a different Wallet Division, for transparency purposes.
      • 25.1.2 - 0rizen Executor will not be able to spend this Taxed-ISK unless Congress approves the expenses.
    • 25.2 - All Member Corporations will pay 12 millions per pilot (alts and inactives included) per month to 0rizen Nation.
      • 25.2.1 - Payment will be done on the 1st day of each month, starting January 1st 2010.
      • 25.2.2 - Tax Alleviation is possible.
      • 25.2.3 - Kill-Tax-Alleviation works according to the following formula:

        SUM(SQRT(Value of kill)*(%dmg done by said corporation)*0.5)
Example: A 49 million enemy ship (estimated value of hull + fittings + cargo destroyed) which received 80% damage from said corporation will result in a tax alleviation of 2.8 million ISK that month.
    • 25.3 - 0RSI will pay 18 millions per pilot (alts and inactives included) per month to 0rizen Nation.
      • 25.3.1 - Payment will be done on the 1st day of each month, starting January 1st 2010.
      • 25.3.2 - Tax Alleviation is possible.
      • 25.3.3 - Tax Alleviation is possible through providing Fuel Packages for Control Towers
        • - One Fuel Package is equal to a Large Control Tower's Monthly Fuel Requirements, at 100% CPU and 100% Powergrid need.
        • - A Fuel Package must fit Control Towers owned by 0rizen Executor.
        • - One Large Control Tower Fuel Package is worth 90 million ISK Alleviation.
    • 25.4 - 0SWAT will pay 24 millions per pilot (alts and inactives included) per month to 0rizen Nation.
      • 25.4.1 - Payment will be done on the 1st day of each month, starting January 1st 2010.
      • 25.4.2 - Tax Alleviation is possible.
      • 25.4.3 - Kill-Tax-Alleviation works according to the following formula:

        SUM(SQRT(Value of kill)*(%dmg done by said corporation))
Example: A 49 million enemy ship (estimated value of hull + fittings + cargo destroyed) which received 80% damage from said corporation will result in a tax alleviation of 5.6 million ISK that month.
    • 25.5 - 0RUS is dispensed from any tax.
    • 25.6 - 0rizen Executor will pay 6 millions per pilot (alts and inactives included) per month to 0rizen Nation.
      • 25.6.1 - Payment will be done on the 1st day of each month, starting January 1st 2010.
      • 25.6.2 - Tax Alleviation is impossible.
    • 25.7 - Untill the official move to 0.0 space, the Alliance Tax is 1/3 of what is in the Constitution.
      • 25.7.1 - No Tax alleviation can be obtained untill the move to 0.0 space.


Section VIII - Alliance Mandatory Procedures

  • 26 - All CEOs (or their representative) must consult the Alliance Forums to be up to date on Alliance events and procedures.
  • 27 - On Alliance Operations, unless otherwise hampered by connection strength or computer age, use of the Alliance Official communication center is mandatory.
  • 28 - "Chaining" in Sovereign Systems is mandatory (see article 31.4.1).


Section IX - Rights and Liberties of Member Capsuleers

  • 29 - Members will not engage in piracy against non red factions and/or organizations.
  • 30 - Members will not engage in activities that might be detrimental to 0rizen Nation's reputation.
    • 30.1 - Members, while free to engage in roleplay activities with the enemy on the local channel, will not insult in any way the enemy, so as to promote an honorable behavior of 0rizen Nation's Members.
  • 31 - Members are free to engage in any activity during their online time.
    • 31.1 - During War Time, Pilots will not engage in hauling in High Security Space.
    • 31.2 - During War Time, Pilots will not engage in mining activities other than in a defended fleet.
    • 31.3 - During War Time, Pilots will not engage their autopilots or stay idle in space anywhere in the galaxy.
    • 31.4 - At all times, members are asked to spend at least 95% of their play time in the 0rizen Nation Sovereign Systems, as to maintain prime activity inside these systems.
      • 31.4.1 - Member Capsuleers, while killing NPC Pirates in asteroid belts and StarGates, must effectively maintain high-bounty pirate groups at all times.
        • - High-Bounty Pirate Groups is a group including at least 1 BattleShip. Clearing of the entire group is not permited; only the BattleShips is.
        • - Clearing the entire NPC group is permitted when Mining Capsuleers are present in the belt, engaged in a mining activity.
        • - Clearing the entire NPC group is permitted when the remaining NPC Pirates warp scramble or webify Capsuleers.
        • - Clearing the entire NPC group is permitted when the group includes NPC Officers or Haulers.
  • 32 - When a member has been inactive (i.e. did not log in) for over 2 months, this member will no longer be in 0rizen Nation (although it does not prevent this member from joining back).
    • 32.1 - On booting out of 0rizen, the former member will receive the 'Boot Letter' that has been approved by the 0rizen Community.
  • 33 - No member shall be on a trial account.
    • 33.1 - All new members will have their limited API Keys checked by a CEO prior to their acceptance.


Chapter 2 - Sanctions

Section I - Refusal of a Corporation to comply with Congressional Law

  • 34 - A Corporation will acquire Offence Status Levels if this Corporation has gone against a congressional Law.
    • 34.1 - The Tribunal decides if a Law has been transgressed, and applies the Offence Status Level to the responsible Corporation.
    • 34.2 - Offence Status Levels are divided into two (2) levels of punishment; intra-alliance and extra-alliance.
    • 34.3 - As a general rule, intra-alliance related Offence Status Levels have only financial penalties applied to them.
    • 34.4 - Extra-alliance related strikes have both financial penalies and the imminence of getting booted out of the Alliance.
    • 34.5 - First Offence: Half the previous month's Alliance Tax.
    • 34.6 - Second Offence within 90 Days: Same amount of the previous month's Alliance Tax; and Strike 1.
    • 34.7 - Third Offence within 90 Days: Twice the previous month's Alliance Tax; and Strike 2.
    • 34.8 - Fourth Offence within 90 days: Four times the previous month's Alliance Tax; OR Strike 3 - You're out.
    • 34.9 - Fifth Offence within 90 days: Strike 3 - You're out.
  • 35 - 0rizen Daughter Corporations cannot be booted out; their CEOs get replaced instead.


Section II - Refusal by a Capsuleer of compliance over a Congressman's Order


Section III - Refusal by a Capsuleer of compliance over a Member Corporation CEO


Recruitment Policy

Member Corporation Recruitment

Articles 14.1 and sub-article 14.1.1 explain the regulations to join 0rizen Nation. Basically, a corporation needs to be 35 members or more to join 0rizen and have Congressionnal representation. If a corporation under 35 members still wants to join 0RN, they can do so, but they do not benefit from a Congressionnal representation.

Please note: Whether a Corporation has Congressional Representation or not, they must pay the Alliance Tax anyway.

External Links

0rizen Nation Dotlan Page

Personal tools
