Playing all Their Cards
While we're having the meet, you sneak in, bypass the remaining resistance, and grab the texts that were taken. Underneath the central command center, we’re told there will be several data banks. The documents we're looking for will be in one of these. You’ll need to deactivate the security firewalls, which means some hacking. You’re looking for a drive cluster called "EDF-285." Grab it and get the hell out of there before the Angels figure out the game.
Bring Item Objective Acquire these goods:
Drop-off Location 0.6 Nilf Abruskur's Rapier in Aldrat
Item one unit of Drive Cluster EDF-285 (0.1 m³) Objective Hack into the Drive Cluster Archive and recover Drive Cluster EDF-285.
Location 0.8 Fredagod
Rewards The following rewards will be yours if you complete this mission:
seven million credits
Bonus Rewards The following rewards will be awarded to you as a bonus if you complete the mission within 6 hours.
ca 1880000 credits