Annwn Matar Settlement

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The Damnation Islands (originally Ynys Tylwyth or Islands of the People) are an isolated archipelago near the northern pole of Pator. They consist of two main islands: Redemption Island in the north, and Purification Island in the south, along with approximately 50 smaller islands. Other major islands include Damnation, Purgatory, and Armageddon Islands.

Densely-forested, some of the islands are protected under Republic legislation as Y Tylwyth Teg Reserve and Heritage Site, which is mostly Redemption Island and adjoining islands and islets (Ynys Cyngor is the Annwn name for Redemption Island). Also protected, but under planetary legislation, are several parks, the largest of which is Hafan Park on northeastern Purgatory Island.

On 111-7-21 legislation was passed that officially renamed the islands as "Ynys Tylwyth", as part of the Tribal reunification protocol between the Republic and surviving Annwn people.


Ynys Tylwyth's climate, is moderated by the North Polar Current, and features heavy rainfall and relatively mild temperatures throughout the year. Though decimated as an 'example' during Amarrian occupation, the Annwn Matari returned to this spot and worked hard to restore it to its former glory. The islands are now home to an abundance of wildlife, including the largest species of bear found on Pator, and also the smallest. The black-tailed deer and raccoon are recently re-introduced species that have become abundant. The islands are home to a wide variety of large trees reintroduced shortly after the Rebellion, including Cedars, Pines, Hemlocks, Cypress, and Red Alder.



At the time of Amarrian contact, the population is assumed to have been roughly 10,000 people, residing in several towns. Ninety percent of the population died during the fighting. Diseases arrived as well, affecting many more inhabitants. By the time Amarrian occupation was complete, less than one hundred remained. They were executed, and the islands decimated as an example to the other Matari tribes. Though they were thought extinct, the Annwn Matari resurfaced again and again, and eventually returned to the islands. Today, some 3800 people live on the islands. About 70% of the indigenous tribe (Annwn) live in two villages at Cartref and Ty, each with a population of about 1000. In total the Annwn make up 45% of the total population and have claimed title to the islands since the Minmatar Rebellion, though they have seldom occupied it. Returning slaves account for 30% of the population.


Cartref is a fishing village located at the mouth of the Rhudd River, on the northern side of Purification Island (Ynys Gaeaf Hafan). Cartref is the oldest and largest of the islands settlements, being the first location settled after the rebellion. Cartref features the largest collection of Annwn totem poles, many celebrated as great works of art, and much effort is expended to ensure they do not succumb to the natural decay of the lush coastal rainforest climate. Images of the ruins of Ty are emblematic of Annwn culture and of the Ynys Twlwyth. The Annwn Matari maintain an eternal flame here, in the form of a large bonfire in the centre of town. The flame is recorded and beamed to The Haudenosuanee Club as a reminder of


Ty is the usual name for Ynys Tywyth Cyngor Pentref - "People's Council Island Village", a village site of the Annwn Matari. The village was the northernmost of Annwn villages, being just west of and facing Purgatory Island, the northernmost island in the archipelago. The site is extremely remote, and access is only by sea or air. Ty was the location of several episodes in the history of Amarrian contact with the isles, including the publicly broadcasted execution of what was believed to be the last of the Annwn Matari. The people of Ty are sometimes referred to as the Y Tylweth Teg. The people of Ty are mostly farmers, raising cariboo and growing traditional Matari Kush, as well as several other herbs and vegetables.


The main transportation links between the islands are traditional canoes. There is also regular Ferry Service between Cartref and Ty on Redemption Island. Floatplane services connect to some of the smaller islands. A small spaceport at Cartref is the only way on or off the islands.

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