Mothership hp buff
From Backstage Lore Wiki
- Title: Mothership HP buff
- Raised by: Sokratesz (Character)
- Submission Date: 6 Dec 2009
- Issue ID: ???
Motherships right now are useless. And I mean absolutely useless.
Give them the HP buff they had on sisi. If I remember correctly, it was 500% increase to primary HP (shield on wyv and hel, armour on nyx and aeon) and 200% to secondary HP. This will allow motherships to withstand a decent number of DD's depending on fitting and in general survive more of a beating and also make them less bloody useless than they are now.
Additionally they could (should?) receive a boost to capital repair systems (per level?) because boosting/repping up said increased HP with the old stats takes lol forever.