User:Dex Nederland
This page is not a background for the character Dex Nederland. This page outlines the Evelopeida contributions and projects of the player of Dex Nederland.
Outside of those updates below, minor updates to other entries to include descriptions for other NPC corporations and additional details. Most contributions focus on the Caldari State due to familiarity with the subject.
- Template:YCyears nav bar for year in review pages
- Year YC111 slowly adding structure and information
- Special:Wantedpages addressing various wanted pages that are largely broken links.
Caldari State Updates
NPC Characters, Corporations, & Organizations
- Lai Dai Corporation (NPC corporation) reverted to current NPC corp template, test page is Lai Dai Corporation (NPC Corp v2 Test)
- Ytiri (NPC corporation) updated CEO to Tibus Heth
- Kaalakiota Corporation (NPC corporation) updated CEO to Tibus Heth
- Caldari Constructions (NPC corporation) updated CEO to Tibus Heth
- Tibus Heth added that the character is the CEO of multiple corporations
- Caldari Providence Directorate minor edits & changes
Player Characters, Corporations, & Organizations
- Lai Dai Infinity Systems (Player corporation) primary contributor
- Heiian Society contributor/maintainer
Related Entries
- Megacorporation definition
- The Caldari Dialogues setup and initial entry
- Caldari Corporate Registry collection of Caldari related player corporations
New NPC Corp Template
Development of Template:NPCCorpv2 and following supporting templates
- Template:NPCCorpv2Div
- Template:NPCCorpv2gib - no longer being used in the above template
- Template:NPCCorpv2product - above template does not require use
- Template:NPCCorpv2Shares
The NPC Corp Template is meant to provide a more comprehensive page for the NPC corporations, while keeping the original information easy to find still and yet easier to read. The NPCCorpv2gib template contains most of the tabled data in the old format, while the rest of the template can be filled in with additional details. The only sections not included in the NPCCorpv2gib template from the original page are the listed Staff organization, CEO, and shareholders. Number of shares and share price have not been included as of yet as the data is largely out of date and not used at the moment in any known way. These two pieces of data (and what can be determined from them) may be included in future revisions.
The Lai Dai page had been my testing page for the template. I have created the Lai Dai Corporation (NPC Corp v2 Test) page as requested by ISD.
22 Apr 09 - planning for heavy modifications to above previous design. Goal is to reduce inputs to what is included presently in Template:NPC corporation in a more condensed format.
23 May 09 - consider template complete.