Angel Creo-Corp Mining
The Angel Cartel has mining rights to this deadspace complex and it is the Angel run Creo-Corp mining corporation that handles business for them. They do not take kindly to intruders and have stationed defense posts throughout the complex. Caution is advised.
Creo-Corp purchases materials and know-how from the Minmatar to be able to build the most recently developed mining facilities. They routinely build automatic sentry guns for defense purposes.
In this deadspace pocket, Creo-Corp collects and stores spare parts and tools for use in the entire complex. The mining facilities in there are impressive, given the short time it has taken Creo-Corp to plan and build them.
This deadspace pocket contains plentiful resources of valuable ore and large asteroids have already been mined to the core. The pocket is well guarded with stationary sentry guns and a number of frigates patrol key locations.
Mined to the core? Those greedy bastards! You instictively wonder how high the bounty on their heads must be.