CSM Meeting Minutes 3.008

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Meeting Minutes: 27 Sep 2009

See also CSM Meeting Minutes 3.008 raw log


Any Other Business

  • The chair reminds the Council of the near CSM-CCP online meeting, the next meeting with CCP in row after the face-to-face meetings on Iceland.
  • Dierdra Vaal also lets the Council review the CSM-presentation to be given prior to the CSM panel on fan fest.
  • The Council decides that CCP will be reminded of a commitment given during the Iceland meetings to participate in CSM-bi-weekly meeting by submitting a particular issue which CCP wants to have feedback on, to be discussed among the Council.
  • Issler is welcomed as full member of the Council, stepping up after Lark's resignation.


Review destroyers (Dierdra)

Dierdra introduces the issue by stating that destroyers, currently, did not well serve their purpose as a frig killer, restricting them to be a salvage barge as a result of other ship evolutions.
Zastrow thinks that with imminent AF changes, destroyers would be able to fulfill their role. Vuk is countering that opinion enforcing that any destroyer review should be focussed on them being an anti-frig weapon. Erik suggests to improve the wiki wording to that purpose, which Dierdra agrees with.
Mazz adds that racial differences in destroyers are neglectible at the moment, and she would like them being accentuated. Dierdra confirms that this aspect was contained in the wiki document.
Zastrow feels that 10h-heroes will be happy to serve in improved destroyers.
Some discussion about the purpose of destroyers ensues, however, no additional information is given.

Motion passes 7/0

Corporation Bookmarks (Erik)

Erik introduces the issue as being an improvement to corporation management, allowing bookmarks to be shared via people&places instead of as hangar objects.
Dierdra and Avalloc utter their support.

Motion passes 7/0

Semi-permanently show pilot's name in space (Maz)

Maz explains this UI improvement to help identify particular pilots in space. Basically, information, which is currently displayed in the overview should also be avaible in the HUD.

Motion passes 7/0

UI Improvement to "Change Clone Location" (Avalloc)

Avalloc introduces the issue by stating that it requests additional information to be given in the station selection dialog when relocating a clone, like region and system security status.
Erik wondered if the requested information would not already be available via the galaxy map. Avalloc explains that player-owned stations could be given any name, and the galaxy map would not help in that case.

Motion passes 7/0

Adjust camera center (Dierdra)

Dierdra explains that while EVE could already be streched to two screens, moving the position where one's own ship is displayed away from the center and fully into one of the screens would greatly improve the usefulness of two screens.

Motion passes 7/0

Larger HUD bracket for caps and supercaps (Maz)

Maz explains that capital ships representation could be improved by brackets that were distinguishable from battleship class vessels.

Motion passes 7/0

Tracking for Fighters lost in combat (Avalloc)

Avalloc introduces the problem being that lost fighters (carrier "drones") were impossible to track, and reimbursement to carrier pilots thus depending on the pilot's honesty.
Vuk opposes the issue as he sees fighters in line with other drones. And tracking their loss would next entail tracing regular drones lost, used ammunition and so forth. Dierdra, Issler, and Erik agree with that view.
Zastrow adds that making fighters cheaper would also solve the issue.
Erik asks if adding the loss information to the API would be more appropriate instead of sending mail.
Avalloc suggests to amend the propsal by summing up figher value lost in a time-frame basis.

Motion fails 3/4 (for: Avalloc, Erik, Zastrow)

Add Character transfer and portrait change tokens just like PLEX (Maz)

Maz explains the suggestion being that paying for portrait changes and character transfer should be possible by paying with ISK for tokens previously purchased by other players for real money, similar as PLEX.
Dierdra mentions that this would lower the entry barrier for picture changes.
Avalloc is concerned about security during character transfers which then would be possible without credit card trace, posing potential problems when accounts are shared among players. Maz responds that appropriate punishments were already in place for such cases, regardless of the particular situation mentioned by Avalloc.
Vuk states his support for the concerns of Dierdra and Avalloc. While Zastrow thinks that famous pilots will most likely not change their portrait, as it part of their personal identity in game. He likes to see more options for players.

Motion passes 6/1 (against: Vuk)

Easy overloading toggle (Dierdra)

Dierdra explains that modules' overheat toggles were easy to miss in the heat of battle. The issue suggests improvements to the key-shortcuts involved.

Motion passes 7/0

History of who added/kick character from Corporation (Avalloc)

Avalloc introduces the issue as an improvement to corporate human resources officials. Better tracing of who performed an HR task as well as better employment history trace could improve corporate security.
Issler mentions that the suggested changes would still leave ALTs as a possible threat to corps. Avalloc agrees, but says that no method was fool-proof after all.
Dierdra states her support for the proposal.

Motion passes 7/0

CSM term limits (Maz)

Maz introduces the issue being that the current two-term limit would potentially restrict the CSM in being a valuable partner for CCP due to heavy fluctuation and little steadiness. Players should be able run again after a hiatus, given that CCPs consents to additional terms of any given player. Also, partial terms would be considered a full term if the player had participated in the Iceland meeting, which is the heart of a term's work.
Dierdra points out that the player support on the forum was low. Also, the issue being suggested by a CSM shed a bad light on the implied increase of power. And the implications in the presented issue in term of qualification of a player to serve as CSM were misleading. Maz responds that a CCP veto would be the corrective means if qualification was lacking.
Issler does not like the CCP veto; she says that unexperienced players would in fact merrit being represented in the Council.
Erik states that this kind of topic, being sensitive, should be dealt with more thoroughly than in online meetings.
Maz adds that increasing the number of terms per Counselor would also increase the benefit for CCP. Avalloc agrees with that view, he adds, however, that communication was still not effective enough between CSM and CCP, which led potential be unused. Maz gives the current chair as a good example how her experience improved the performance of the whole Council. Dierdra objects that in addition to herself two further members of the current CSM were serving their second term, thus not being unexperienced with regards to the CSM's work; in CSM2 it was similar, and in CSM4 it can be assumed to be such as well. She suggests the hiatus to be increased to one year.
Erik points out that the problem, this issue was trying to address, was an improved performance of the CSM. A better issue suggestion would be based on that goal, he says, rather than assuming the term limit was the root cause for lower performance.

Motion passes 4/3 (against: Erik, Dierdra, Issler)

Prevent cloaked ships in same gang/fleet from decloaking each other (Avalloc)

Avalloc need not say much to introduce the issue.
Dierdra and Issler point out that the behaviour seems more like a bug than a feature change to be requested.

Motion passes 6/1 (against: Vuk)

Fix plex keys (Maz)

Maz explains that the current acceleration gate mechanics allowed blocking complexes for easy money. Because plexes did not despawn and players who can reoccupy them right after downtime had an additional (unfair) advantage.

Motion passes 6/1 (against: Issler)

Add login history in your account managment (Maz)

Maz presents the issue as an improvement to account security, by alerting failed login attempts and showing the time of last login, similar to what is already available for the API keys.

Motion passes 7/0

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