Scanner change has created an imbalance (CSM)

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Revision as of 02:11, 23 October 2009 by Cyno Missionaria (Talk)

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  • Raised by: mazzilliu
  • Submission Date: Sunday september 27th 16:00
  • Issue ID: tbd


The scanner has been changed so that you can only request a scan result once every few seconds, rather then as fast as you could mash the button, as it used to be. The change was made for lag reasons, and is unlikely to be reverted.

that said, in situations where quick scanning is a must(such as when hunting down ratters before they run away to a safe spot, or scanning the nearest 100,000KM for incoming warping people), this change has wrecked the delicate balance between predator and prey. usually a skilled player can warp to the correct belt in about the time it takes to complete two warps, now it takes significantly longer.


if the scanner change can't be rolled back, then there are other things that can be done:

  • no delay for scans with a different angle
  • implement a short delay in local- 30 seconds to 1 minute- that compensates for the extra time it will take for someone who is good with the scanner to scan people down.
  • restrict the scan timer to happen only on heavy load nodes or crowded systems.
  • increase the priority of any planned overhauls to the scanning system.
  • lower the scan timer delay to 0.5-1.0 second.

these are just a list of ideas for CCP. the core problem here is not necessarily the scan timer, but the fact that it shifts the balance of power in 0.0 so much in favor of ratters that it is significantly safer to NPC in 0.0.


  • restore the balance to the way it was between the hunters and the hunted


  • added stress on servers

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