User talk:CCP Ginger

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Revision as of 04:27, 22 October 2009 by CCP Ginger (Talk)

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Is this where we are suppose to leave comments?

Re: Format I like this format with the sidebar better than the one with the fiction categories on top of the empire categories.

Re: Images I would make the images hyperlinked to the same page as the text beneath them, then in the reference document, that image is displayed, and in that instance it is hyperlinked to the image reference. Not that critical, but it might make for easier navigation.

I agree with Blake on the sidebar --Dex Nederland 19:54, 2 April 2009 (UTC)

The empires should probably go on the races page rather than the main page tbh im thinking.

Image links would be great but we cant get them working on here atm, need to poke devs about that.

Thanks for feedback

--CCP Ginger 08:18, 3 April 2009 (UTC)

NPC Corporate Sidebars

That looks familiar. Are you going to work on an overall format made up multiple templates?--Dex Nederland 13:25, 21 October 2009 (UTC)

Trying to get a good overall template for the NPC corps. I like what you did with Lai Dai but just need something a little more it i think. so just playing around for a bit --CCP Ginger 14:05, 21 October 2009 (UTC)

So looking at what you have now, which is everything on the basic page sans the corporate executives, it leaves a lot of open space. This could be a good thing as it encourages users to fill in information. This leads to a follow-up question - are their plans to close off these from being edited by non-YARR/CCP authors?
I will also look at trying to pull off a copy of the distribution map for Lai Dai on TQ tonight. You, CCP, probably can get a better quality map and generate them faster. I think the distribution of station Maps for the NPCs corp would be a good addition to all the NPC corporate entries. The little things that can be gleaned from this kind of information is "great." For example - Ishukone has a pre-existing relationship with the Intaki Syndicate (as it has stations in Syndicate).--Dex Nederland 02:49, 22 October 2009 (UTC)

Not sure how its going to play out but we need to be aware that in game information and fictional background need to co-exist in the same space. I'd like to leave them all open but we shall see, if people start changing them on a whim we might have to lock. --CCP Ginger 09:27, 22 October 2009 (UTC)

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