CSM 3 vote records

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CSM 3.001 Votes

an asterisk (*) indicates that the person raised the issue

Issue Raised Voting Results Dierdra Vaal Vuk Lau Avalloc Erik Finnegan Larkonis Trassler Meissa Anunthiel Zastrow J Omber Zombie Issler Dainze Serenity Steele Shatana Fulfairas
Remote repping and aggression 9 Yes Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Factional Warfare - Lack of Development 1 yes, 8 no No No No Yes* No No No No No
Whatever happened to the industry expansion 8 yes, 1 no Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes* Yes
Hull Maintenance Drones 9 yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes
Outlaw Remote Repping 9 yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Factional Warfare Lag needs fixing now 4 yes, 5 no Yes No No Yes* No Yes No Yes No
Apocrypha 1.2 Default Overview Settings 9 yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes
Assault Frigates 4th Bonus 9 yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Factional Warfare- Allow Counter Wardec for all Militia Corps 2 yes No No No Yes Yes* No No No No
Sentry Gun Aggression and Drones 5 yes, 4 no Yes No Yes Yes Yes* Yes No No No
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