Sev3rance (Player alliance)

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Name Sev3rance
Ticker -7-
Type 0.0
Founded February 5th, 2007
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO FuriousPig, bazzed
Diplomat(s) Gundano
Public Channel
Website Sev3rance Homepage
Executor IronPig
Members Mystic Lion Hearts
Indra-Sveijk Korps
Solar Storm
Newfound Freedom Corp
Black Arrows
Tempestas Oriens
Steel Daggers
Necrotic Research Inc.
Steel Beasts
Blood and Money
League of Generals
Les Legions d'Anubis
High Flyers
BORG Kollektiv
Project Gilgamesh
Progressive Action Force
Stargate SG-1
Illusionary Constructs Incorporated

Sev3rance (-7-) is an alliance based in Providence. The alliance is part of the Providence Holders Coalition.



Sev3rance was founded in early 2007 with the goal to unite all anti-Pirate/NRDS corporations under one banner in the low sec constellation Sukanan, in the Tash-Murkon Region. IronPig (IRNP) and Mystic Lion Hearts (MLH) were on the front line of anti-pirate activity. Others, including the Sukanan Defense Force (SDF), played key roles in suppressing piracy in the region.

Connection to CVA

Sev3rance's efforts in Tash-Murkon low sec impressed CVA, which extended an invitation to Sev3rance, along with SDF Corps, which joined CVA at roughly the same time.

Sev3rance provided valuable assistance to CVA in its campaign against Ushra'Khan, helping to wrest control of the UK outposts in QR-K85 and 9UY4-H away from Ushra'Khan. After its victory, Sev3rance was offered the XV7L-S constellation as reward from the Emperor himself.

The siege of XV7L-S

Sev3rance claimed the XV7L-S constellation briefly, by using weaknesses in Ushra'Khan's Tower deployment strategy, however, this victory didn't last long.

While CVA was under siege by Triumvirate. in late 2007, Ushra'Khan and The Star Fraction launched a massive offensive to regain control of the XV7L-S constellation, managing to switch Sovereignity in KBP7-G to level 1 for Ushra'Khan by placing a superior number of Towers in the System. With the help of Cold STEEL Alliance, Sev3rance withstood the assault on their Towers long enough, until finally the combined Capital Fleet of the Providence Holders destroyed all Ushra'Khan Towers.

Despite the launch of The Star Fractions follow-up campaign to disrupt Sev3rances supply lines (Operation Terminus Est), Sev3rance reclaimed their constellation and was first among the Providence Holders to build outposts in the region, growing from a low sec anti-pirate Alliance to a full 0.0 Alliance.

New Space

With Ushra'Khan and Star Fraction gone, Sev3rance entered a Period of consolidation and relative peace, almost doubling it's Memberbase. Industrial Facillities were build, and the strained Alliance Assets extended.

Early 2009 Sev3rance felt comfortable enough with their Assets to begin claiming a constellation in Catch from wich Ushra'Khan constantly launched raids into Providence. The claiming of the Constellation went without interference, with only one notable Battle fought between Ushra'Khan and Against ALL Authorities vs the Providence Holders in GMLH-K.

Rules of Engagement

Attacking a neutral player in Providence space without a negative standing in effect will lead to direct Sev3rance intervention and the loss of your ship.

You may be engaged by Sev3rance vessels if you meet any of the following criteria:


Founder Corporations: IronPig [IRNP], Mystic Lion Hearts [-MLH-]
Traditional Regions Controlled: Northern Providence, Parts of Devoid
Form of Government: Dictatorship
Traditional Allies: CVA, Cold STEEL Alliance
Traditional Enemies: Ushra'Khan [UNITY], The Star Fraction [-SF-]
Piracy: anti-pirate

Providence Holders Coalition

The Providence Holders Coalition is centered in the Providence Region. Alliances in this coalition work co-operatively to improve the region economically, provide for its defense, and enforceNRDS policy.

Current Members

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