Serpentis Provincial HQ

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Revision as of 11:16, 16 September 2009 by Onyx Asablot (Talk)

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Complex Details
Serpentis Provincial HQ
Signature Strength
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating None(10/10)
Security 0.0
Known Regions
Pirate type Serpentis

2 Rooms. Difficult.

1st Room - 12 BS (8 x 50km, 4 x 10km), 3 BC, 4 HAC, 3 Frigs

'Gate to Sarpati Luxury Lodge' unlocked with shadow serpentis crystal tag which is used up on activation.

2nd Room - 2 frigs, 3 BS, 2 BC, 2 HAC, 5 x Siege Blaster Cannon (lots of dps and lots of hit points).

I had to warp out before I could complete the second room and didn't have another tag to get back in. You probably need to attack the station which will spawn another wave (with faction spawn), then upon destroying the station you may get an escalation. Attacking the station may cause a very high damage smartbomb to go off, so small sig radius ships recommended

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