Pay attention, young Hakkilen

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Pay attention, young Hakkilen is a piece of Player Created Fiction written by Herko Kerghans as one of his many Caldari tales. Originally published in the EVE-online forums [1].

Pay attention, young Hakkilen

Pay attention, young Hakkilen. This is your last lesson.

Learn it well, my young student, for from this day your are the Master.

I can see it in your eyes, the doubts and the fear... my poor young Hakkilen, you still dont know that I'm the lucky one, for these old eyes will not have to see what yours will.

Cast aside your doubts, young Hakkilen. Why Fate took your leaders this morning, why Fate takes your Master now... We dont question Fate. We serve Fate with a steady hand, as we serve our State.

Our hands must never shake.

Hear my breath. It's deep and calm. Watch my eyes. They dont flinch. See my shoulders. They are relaxed. I even allow myself a little smile.

My hands are steady as the cup touches my lips. As I drink the hot tea. As I put the cup down. As I wait for the poison to take effect.

The Master never doubts. He follows the fate of those he serves.

Watch me as I look at our beloved home for the last time. It's a beautiful afternoon, isn't it? The fiery reds and the deep blues... I know you prefer the morning, my young student. That's why we always understood each other so well.

Soon Fate will come with fire and burning, and will drive you and our brothers to a home far away from home. Learn this lesson, young Hakkilen, for it will be your duty then. We are links in a chain as old as our State, and it's through you and the links that follow you that this chain will continue. And the link that follows the link will return to the chain.

And when Fate and the State call you and those after you, your hands must never shake.

Watch me as my eyes close, young Hakkilen. As my breath stops. As my hands rest gently over the table, beside the cup.

Goodbye, young Master.

Goodbye, my sweet Caldari.

Serve Fate well.

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