Tau Ceti Federation (Player alliance)

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Revision as of 10:00, 11 September 2009 by Silmerias (Talk)

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File:Tcf logo.png
Name Tau Ceti Federation
Ticker T C F
Type 0.0
Founded 2006.04.21
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO DarkAngelus
Diplomat(s) Amerame, Deleterius & Tokol
Public Channel TAU CETI
Website www.tauceti-federation.com
Executor Le Cercle
Members A.L.E.X.I.S
Defcon One
Epsilon Lyr
ICE is Coming to EVE
IMpAct Corp
Kernel of War
N'Th'Rack Squadron


Tau Ceti Federation [TCF] is a french dynamic alliance created on July 2006.

Founders corporations are Altera Odyssea, COLSUP, French Navy, Justice inc., Légion du Lys, Rebirth inc. and Section XIII.

Present in 0.0 with a strong military activity, TCF also have a strong team in Empire to deal with logistics and train new pilots.

Actual members (on September 11th 2009)


December 17th 2008 : Deklein is now under control of TCF. 11 outposts, 12 dyspros moons and 9 promethium moons were taken from Goodfellas.

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