Dragon's Rage (Player corporation)

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Dragon's Rage is a 0.0 based corporation that opened up the south-eastern area of the Feythabolis region in the YZKE-Q constellation after they deployed an outpost in ZS-2LT, which they called The Dragon's Lair, in early 2006. Dragon's Rage was a member of Xetic Federation, and later on was an original member of the Ascendant Frontier alliance, before creating the Intrepid Crossing alliance with AWECO corporation, and helping them open up and deploy Outposts in the SLYP-5 constellation in the newly accessible Drone Region.

Despite being a relatively small corporation and as such often unnoticed and frequently uncredited at times, they have been noted as outperforming many other much larger corporations. They are the only corporation to deploy an Outpost with only 15 active members when only Tech I Industrial and Mining ships were available in the game, and during the war between ASCN and BoB were consistently ranked as 1st or 2nd on the alliance killboards in terms of number of kills and efficiency.



Dragon's Rage, as a group of people, was first created as a "guild" by a character called Dracona on the now cancelled MMORPG game from Electronic Arts called Earth & Beyond. Earth & Beyond ran from September 24th 2002 to September 22nd 2004. As EVE Online had by then been running publicly since May of 2003, and had many similarities to EVE Online, many people naturally migrated from EnB to EVE Online. A former member of Dragon's Rage from EnB, called iqplayer, then created the Dragon's Rage corporation in EVE Online. The Beginning

Dragon's Rage initially made Mamenkhanar (0.6) and Ruchy (0.4) in the Domain Region their home, while building up their strength and running missions. Xetic Alliance

Dragon's Rage joined Xetic Federation which gave them access to 0.0 space. Dragon's Rage made the VNGJ-U area their home, and spent time mining in VNGJ-U and other systems in southern Feythabolis. In order to refine Ore, it would have to be hauled around 6 jumps to the nearest refinary Outpost.

Two corporations in Xetic Federation - Celestial Horizons and Dirty Deeds Corp - left the alliance and formed Ascendant Frontier. Shortly after the formation of this new alliance Dragon's Rage followed and also joined ASCN. ASCN Alliance HYPL-V

For a few months, Dragon's Rage then set up home in a POS in an outback system called HYPL-V and came up with the idea of building an Outpost for themselves. HYPL-V was chosen because it had a relatively large number of asteroid belts, good security rating, and it was away from the busy and often hostile highways running through Feythabolis. ZS-2LT

Dragon's Rage then moved to the ZS-2LT system in south-east of Feythabolis. There they set up a large POS and began work towards building an Outpost. Outpost

In early 2006, Dragon's Rage began, and successfully completed, construction of a Minmatar Service Outpost orbiting Planet X of the ZS-2LT solar system in Feythabolis. This Outpost is extremely notable because of the monumental individual player effort and teamwork required to build it when compared to other Outpost deployments. It was not only built by the Dragon's Rage corporation at a time when the corporation only had around 15 active members, but it was done so with no alliance or other outside help whatsoever, and all in under 6 weeks - a very short time with which to organise the logistics and mining operations required to obtain the huge quantities of raw materials, even by large alliance standards. This is even more impressive when you consider that only Tech I mining barges and industrial ships were available in the game in those times - the largest hauler could carry around 12,000m³, and that the nearest place to dock was the Outpost in VNGJ-U 15 jumps away. On completion, the Outpost was named "Dragon's Lair". G/IRON War

The first significant war for Dragon's Rage while in ASCN was the G Alliance and Imperial Republic of the North war, usually referred to as the G/IRON war. See the G War section of the ASCN page for further details. AWECO

AWECO corporation built a factory Outpost in the neighbouring system DB1R-4, and as such the defence of the area became a shared responsibility. AWECO and Dragon's Rage quickly became strong allies and worked together for mutual benefit, taking advantage of the combination of the refinery facilities of the Dragon's Rage Outpost and the factory facilities of the AWECO Outpost. While both corporations had industrial and PvP based players, AWECO quickly established themselves as the industrial force in the area, while Dragon's Rage gained the reputation of being the PvP and combat oriented corporation. This worked well as DB1R-4, where the AWECO Outpost is located, is a dead end system, and any hostiles had to come through ZS-2LT, and hence the powerful Dragon's Rage PvP fleet first. BoB War

During the ASCN versus BoB war, the Dragon's Rage home system of ZS-2LT initially got little attention from BoB save for a few roaming gangs, and was well away from the front lines.

Despite being a small corporation, less than half the size of CLS-F (the combat wing of CLS and ASCN), Dragon's Rage was consistently ranked higher on the alliance killboard and usually took either 1st or 2nd place, both in terms of number of kills and efficiency. Additionally, whenever donations were needed (for example - the fuel for the doomsday weapon on Steve, billions of ISK asked for by the alliance for undisclosed reasons, etc) Dragon's Rage were always among the first and biggest donators. Despite this, ASCN High Command insisted that Dragon's Rage was "too small" a corp to be of any value to ASCN, and as such were forced to either double their size, or leave.

Dragon's Rage, having a significant investment in the area with their Outpost, chose to increase their size, and a recruitment drive was started. This resulted in the influx of many new members. Intrepid Crossing

After the eventual fall of ASCN to Band of Brothers, Dragon's Rage and AWECO chose to remain in Feythabolis where they'd built their outposts, and formed the Intrepid Crossing alliance. BoB War

The Outposts in ZS-2LT and DB1R-4 were controlled by Intrepid Crossing until they eventually fell to overwhelming hostile Band of Brothers forces. Intrepid Crossing temporarily became blue with BoB as a ruse to buy some time to regain their strength. However, after refusing to pay several billion ISK per month rent to BoB to be allowed to stay in the very Outposts Intrepid Crossing built, Intrepid Crossing were again attacked by massive BoB forces. Despite fighting until the last ship, they inevitably lost and were forced to move out. The ironically named hostile DR Alliance (Digital Renegades) moved in briefly, and Intrepid Crossing relocated to the new Drone Regions. The Outposts previously built and owned by Dragon's Rage in ZS-2LT and AWECO in DB1R-4 were eventually taken back from the BoB pet alliance Digital Renegades with the invasion of the Red Swarm, but were unfortunately never returned to their original owners. Drone Region

Intrepid Crossing moved out of Feythabolis altogether, and relocated to a POS in the the 4-QDIX system in the newly opened up Drone Region. Shortly afterwards AWECO corporation built an Outpost in the nearby D-IZT9 system, and Dragon's Rage set up home there. Dragon's Rage Academy

Four months after Dragon's Rage was created, it was realised that the best source for good corporation members might be new players, but there was a need to get them to a sufficient experience level before they ventured into 0.0, and to keep them out of the alliance, and hence any wars which might allow them to be legally shot in empire. As such Dragon's Rage Academy was created on 13th July 2004, with that intention in mind. However, it was only partially successful, and is now mostly abandoned.

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