UI Improve Fleet Commander UI by showing fleet composition. (CSM)

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Revision as of 17:42, 9 August 2009 by Avalloc (Talk)

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  • Raised by: Avalloc
  • Submission Date: 09 August 2009
  • Issue ID: tbd


A Fleet Commander has no quick (and easy) way to know the composition of the fleet he is leading. In fact the popular way of taking stock is to say in gang, "Everyone in a Battleship X up" which is a low tech as it gets. Counting ships via the Overview or short Scan isn't perfect either because pilots that aren't in system won't be counted.


That a new tab be created in the fleet window UI (or elsewhere) that is only visible to Fleet Commander and/or gang Boss. This list would show a breakdown of all pilots grouped into sections based on the ship they're currently piloting. If they aren't in system their ship type wouldn't be counted to save on server load. This list would be created as a person joins the fleet and would only need to be updated when a ship is destroyed. Or the pilot undocks from a Station.


  • Battleships 20
  • --Apocalypse 10
  • ----[Pilot Name]
  • ----[Pilot Name]
  • --Megathron 10
  • ----[Pilot Name]
  • Battlecruisers 3


And updates each pilot to Capsule section as soon their ship is destroyed.


  • The Fleet Commander can focus more on strategy and the battle than wasting time counting ships and figuring out how many are being lost.


  • It could potentially create more lag depending on how much the database calls affects server.

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