Controlled Chaos (Player alliance)

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Name Controlled Chaos
Ticker TROLL
Type 0.0
Founded April 20th, 2008
Status Active
Contact details
Alliance CEO Sage Eveo
Diplomat(s) US // Trellish / Will Clark

AU // Securion Wolfheart
EU // Lindorph

Public Channel TROLL DUNGEON
Executor Trojan Trolls
Members The Perfect Storm(now left to rejoin ex skulls in STRPR)

Monkey Universe Corporation
Spawns of Thanatos
Fellowship of United Kopi Kau Kau

April 2008 - Controlled Chaos was founded by Amira Lorien, CEO of Not Like Most, and based in Fade after securing a rental agreement with Triumvirate.. Shortly after the temporary disbandment of Triumvirate. in May 2008, Controlled Chaos returned to empire to focus on corporation recruitment and Industrial endeavors.

June 2008 - Sage Eveo, CEO of Interwarp Plexus, took on leadership of the alliance. The alliance then progressed to Kador low-sec, focusing on both Industrial & PvP development.

August 2008 - Controlled Chaos moved to Solitude to expand its focus to PvP combat with the benefit of Syndicate NPC 0.0 nearby. Shortly after, the alliance joined forces with The Red Skull on a campaign in Syndicate against rival alliances Huzzah Federation, Tygris Alliance and Exquisite Malevolence 'The Huzzah coalition'.

The Red Skull had moved into a recently vacated PC9 only to find Huzzah Federation return after a failed attempt to control the JQV constellation of Syndicate. The Red Skull offered a rare blue standings to Huzzah Federation however after finding out that many of the leadership of Huzzah Federation secretly wanted to attack and subjagate The Red Skull this offer was withdrawn and bitter combat insued with the smaller The Red Skull holding its own against the larger Huzzah coalition who could field more capitals and allies, with neither side willing to back down and leave PC9.

October 2008 (temporary disbandment) - After several months of campaigning, the executor corporation of The Red Skull announced their withdrawal from the alliance. Interwarp Plexus, the executor of Controlled Chaos was extended an invitation to take on leadership of The Red Skull, which eventuated in a consolidation of Controlled Chaos corporations into The Red Skull shortly after discussions were entered.

Unfortunatly at the time many new and green corps had entered the mostly veteran The Red Skull, a breif coalition with the Thorn alliance as the Thornskull coalition should have steadied the alliance however due to fundamental errors made by Thorn alliance FCs the large scale warfare against Huzzah began to see heavy losses for the first time.

This consolidation was reversed several weeks later, with an announcement from alliance leader Sage Eveo, advising The Red Skull was being forcedly disbanded and the strongest corporations extended an invitation to reform as Controlled Chaos to reconsolidate the best of the The Red Skull. In total 6 corporations were extended invitations to reform Controlled Chaos.

November 2008 - With the reformation, Controlled Chaos made a move to the JQV constellation of Syndicate to focus on continued PvP development. The war with Huzzah Federation continued with many successful raids from both sides.

'January 2008 - A tempory truce was formed with Huzzah Federation and large scale raids where made on the Outer Ring against Shade .

'February 2008 onwards - Controlled Chaos returned to the JQV constellation of Syndicate and continued fights against Huzzah, Unknown designation also moved into the area initially blue before announcing a reset, after a number of weeks of combat it was clear neither side would win JQV nor hold it alone as each was a similar size and had a differant strong PVP timezone. The dead parrot shope (ex bruce) and some remains of Thorn had been living in the JQV constellation blue to Controlled Chaos but not assisting it and hostile to Unknown designation. Unknown designation offered blue standings and standings where reset with the other residents of JQV.

Shade and various others attempted to assist the dead parrot shope with capital support but with some hotdrops arranged with neutral Huzzah they where driven off. A few ex goons tried to setup in JQV and where constantly hunted down and preyed upon. Controlled Chaos also continued to raid lower Syndicate.

Controlled Chaos then took up a mercenary contract in curse before returning to fight in JQV. Controlled Chaos where then invited to join the Hex coalition to invade cloud ring a successfull campaign was waged against DARA, gaining sovereignty for the alliance for the first time. Mostly Harmless also decided to invade the then weakened cloud ring and the northern coalition moved in to protect their pets in what was to become a free for all. Withdrawing back to Syndicate with no real losses and allot of kills and experiance Controlled Chaos reset standings and breifly raided the area with (long time Red Skull allies in upper Syndicate) Veritas Immortalis.

Currently Controlled Chaos has reset standings for a new campaign and has moved to The Great Wildlands fighting alongside Cult of War in a highly successful campaign against RA which succeeded in helping to cripple it.

Continued scurmishes and large scale capital combat has been supported against Goons, PL, XXXlegion of deathXXX, Rote Kappele, Agony and the various other NC members and pets that live in the surrounding areas.

If one thing can be said for Controlled Chaos they go where the fight is and are constantly evolving. Today Controlled Chaos is a mercenary but professional fighting force, who are campaign based, with limited blues and a NBSI policy.

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