H-PA Crew Blue Pill Production Facility
H-PA Crew Blue Pill Production Facility
This is a Combat Ladar Site, found in Guristas Territory (Vale). After warping in, you will land app. 30km away from a spawn of four Cruise Missile Batteries, several Cruisers, Frigates (some of them, Dire Pithi Invader do scramble) and Battleships, supported by a Number of Medium Energy Neutralizing Batteries (two or three). The Spawn may be lead by a named Guristas Cruiser, Lieutenant Akitsai Ohkunen (may drop a Standard Blue Pill Booster Blueprint for expample)
There is one respawn of 3 Frigates, 3 Cruiser and 5 Battleships after killing one of the initial spawned Battleships.
After clearing all enemy, you can open a number of container, in which you can find Skills like "Neurotoxin Recovery", "Nanite Control" and Strong Blue Pill Booster Blueprints.