Wormhole space
1. Normal despawn rate for an UNTOUCHED site is about 3 or 4 days. Untouched means you found it, maybe warped in but did not engage anything or interact with anything.
2. Clearing out a Gravity or Ladar site of NPC Sleepers in a Wspace cleans it out permenently. The NPCs do NOT respawn.
3. Bringing a capital ship (Carrier or Dreadnought) to a combat site in a Wspace will spawn 6 additional battleships PER CAPITAL SHIP!
4. Magnetic and Radar sites will respawn complete Sleeper waves after a downtime to include the reset of the capital ship “additional 6 Sleeper battleships” trigger!
5. Magnetic and Radar sites are rare. Ladar and Gravimetric sites breed like horny bunnies in the spring time.
6. Assigning Fighters to someone who then goes to certain sites will also cause 6 additional battleships to spawn.
7. The class of the system does NOT affect the difficulty of the sites. It only determines what KINDS of sites are likely to spawn in the system:
'Perimiter' sites are "easy"
'Frontier' sites are "medium"
'Core' are sites are "hard"
Thus a site with the same name will be equally difficult no matter if it is in a class 1 Wspace or class 6 Wspace. The difference is that 'Core' sites seldom appear in the lower classes (allthough they certainly can spawn there as well).
8. Orcas do NOT spawn the additional 6 battleships at any site or encounter.
File:Wormhole Affects.jpg==WSPACE BEHAVIOR==
1. Wspaces can be buried up to 3 Wspaces deep. This means that you would have to cross 3 Wspaces to get out of Wspace and into the nearest Kspace!
2. A class 1 Wspace does not allow anything bigger than a Battle Cruiser through. This is a SHIP class limitation and not a ship MASS limitation, just like some low level mission acceleration gates.
3. Class 2 wormholes have a mass restriction. If your ship has too much mass to fit, try off-lining your plates (1600mm, 800mm etc.).
4. POSs behave as normal except you can not claim Sovereignty and you can NOT moon mine.
5. Wormhole effects (Pulsars, Cataclysmic etc) are NOT applied to POS’s or their weapons/defenses.
6. Class 1 and 2 encounters are soloable. Class 3 is maybe soloable. Class 4, 5 and 6 can be solo'd only if you use a Capital Ship (Carrier) but be prepared to sweat bullets as a class 5 can crack a carrier and eat drones severely. It was a draw when I tried it.
7. ALL Wspaces are 0.0 security.
8. Wormhole Class is a numeric rating contained in the data dump that CCP put out. In short, wormholes leading to "unknown space" could lead to a class 1, 2 or 3 Wspace. One leading to a "dangerous unknown space" leads to a class 4 or 5 and a "deadly unknown space" wormhole always leads to a class 6 Wspace.
9. Players do NOT show up in local unless they chat there, so scan often with your directional scanner at max range and set to 360 degrees.
10. Wspaces DO bottom out when you take up residence within them. The Wspaces eventually dwindled to one static wormhole and one exploration spawn. Sites Despawn as usual, but simply to not Respawn at the "normal" rate.
11. There are NO Ice fields in ANY Wspace.
1. Wspaces can have up to 7 wormholes active at one time. Up to 4 outbound wormholes max with 3 inbound (K162) wormholes confirmed.
2. When a wormhole is nearing "end of life" another wormhole can appear before they finish despawning. When one despawns another one spawns immediatley if it was the ONLY wormhole left. Certain wormholes ALWAYS immediatley respawn no matter what. These wormholes are refered to as “static” wormholes.
3. Some Wspaces have TWO “static” wormholes.
4. The "color" of the wormhole indicates which type of wormhole you are going into, i.e. a red wormhole means you go into red space and a blue wormhole puts you into blue space.
5. All classes of Wspaces can open up to any class of Wspace, null sec, low sec or high sec directly.
6. Life cycle has not begun means you found it within 1-2 minutes of spawning.
7. “Probably won't last another day” means you have more than 25% of the wormhole's life left.
8. :Nearing the end of its life” means it has less than 25% of its life left.
9. Wormholes last for 16, 24, 36 or 48 hours.
10. “Has not yet had its stability reduced” means it has more than 45% of its remaining allowable mass left.
11. “Has had its stability reduced”, “but not to a critical degree yet” means it has less than 45% of its remaining allowable mass left.
12. "This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse." means it has less than 5% of its allowable mass left.
13. The largest "to high sec" wormhole allows a ship of 1,000,000,000 kg mass to fit through.
14. Capital ships can get into a class 4, 5 or 6 wormhole only.
15. Nothing stops you from jumping through a wormhole, not scrams not webs, nothing.
16. Jumping through the same wormhole twice starts a 4 minute timer during which you can not jump back through.
17. There is also a 30 second Session Change timer that starts when you jump through a wormhole. You can not jump until that Session Change timer is up.
18. The wormhole graphic physically gets SMALLER when you make it pass the 45% and the 5% allowable mass values.
19. The maximum allowable mass for a wormhole not only takes into account the mass of your ships themselves, but ALSO THE MODULES ON THEM. 1600mm plates tear a wormhole a new one and will throw off your mass count!
20. “This wormhole is stable and looks like it could last more than a day” means it will last longer than 24 hours or until its allowable mass is spent.
21. Wormholes collapse when the allowable mass is reduced to ZERO or LESS THAN ZERO (negative). So, if the wormhole has 1kg of mass left you can jump through it with any ship that "fits" (fit meaning ship type for class 1 and mass cap for class 2) in the wormhole. It will collapse when you are on the other side.
22. The "polarity" timers that are 4 minutes long on wormholes are PER individual wormhole. So, if you jump two times back to back through wormhole XXXX you can not jump back through it for 4 minutes, BUT, if you jump through wormhole XXXX twice and immediatly head for wormhole YYYY the timer will NOT exist and you may pass through wormhole YYYY twice before incuring a 4 minute timer for wormhole YYYY.
23. Wormholes that are close to thier end of life will have a more active graphic, it will be more energetic looking.
1. NPC warp scramble ability starts at Class 3 and above. At class 5 EVERY NPC webs and warp scrams, ALL OF THEM.
2. Tentative resists: armor is 70/70/70/70 with hull being 0/0/0/0
3. NPCs in wormholes DO get SOME wormhole effects applied to them.
4. The large ADVANCED Sleeper wrecks require Salvaging to level 5. Most other Sleeper wrecks you can do with level 3 or 4. You can do all Sleeper wrecks with Salvage skill to level 4 and using Salvage Tackle rigs (at least one).
5. Use any racial ECM jammer you want, Sleepers don’t care which you use, they said so.
6. The amount of DPS a common class 5 magnetic site is in the range of 1250 with 76 resist per battleship per volley. You do the math.
Some known magnetic sites:
Forgotten Perimeter Coronation Platform (3 cans)
Forgotten Perimeter Habitation Coils (5 cans)
Forgotten Perimeter Power Array (4 cans, 1 frigate)
Forgotten Core Information Pen site. Class 5 Wspace. (15 cans)
1) Using Carriers OR Dreadnoughts WILL spawn 6 additional Battleships if you use them on Magnetic sites. (Confirmed)
2) They are tougher to clear out than other sites.
3) Forgotten Frontier Quarantine Outpost (7 cans, remote repair, webify, can drop some malfunctioning rather than just wrecked sections).
4) Consider tanking the spawns while opening the cans, there are WAVES of spawn. The second wave could be the web/scram OR the RR variety. The RR variety allows a FRIGATE to TANK 10 FIGHTERS.
5) Magnetometric and radar sites, as well as anomalies, all seem to have four waves. The trigger for the next wave is usually the last of a type of frigate or cruiser. Be careful you don't kill it early.
6) Opening cans (or the attempt to open) can cause additional spawns for mag sites in Wspaces.
Some known sites:
Unsecured Perimeter Amplifer (4 cans, occasional frigate)
Unsecured Perimeter Comms Relay (8 cans, occasional frigate)
Unsecured Perimeter Information Center (3 cans)
Unsecured Perimeter Transponder Farm (? cans)
Unsecured Frontier Database (9 cans, 1 cruiser)
Unsecured Frontier Enclave Relay (15 cans)
Unsecured Frontier Receiver (7 cans)
On a small sample size it looks like:
Perimeter cans contain 0-3 items:
1-10 Datacore
1-4 racial Hybrid Tech Decryptor
1-2 RAM Hybrid Technology
Frontier cans contain 0-3 items: 1-9 Datacore (I assume 10 is possible)1-4 racial Hybrid 1-3 RAM Hybrid
1) You can loot the cans while under fire from the spawn.
WARNING: When you tamper with a can and you leave the site, the ENTIRE site will DESPAWN in under a minute!
2) Magnetometric and radar sites, as well as anomalies, all seem to have four waves. The trigger for the next wave is usually the last of a type of frigate or cruiser. Be careful you don't kill it early.
3) Radar sites can have an Abandoned Talocan Battleship/Cruiser present (the source of T3 hull BPCs). The same site can spawn with or without the abandoned hull, this includes temporary despawns: they may appear or disappear over DT.
4) When an abandoned BS is present, the initial spawn defending the site will have one more Advanced level Sleeper BS guarding it. An equivalent extra guardian is likely present for abandoned cruisers.
1) Gravimetric sites seem to be the most common exporation site spawn.
Gravimetric sites
3) Ore types present are dependent on the type of site, i.e. Average or Rarified. It is NOT dependent on the class of Wspace it spawns in.
4) Using Capital ships on these sites do NOT spawn additional npc ships.
5) The NPCs in a gravemetric site are the easiest to deal with.
6) Additional rocks WILL spawn in over the lifetime of the field.
7) Average lifetime of a field is 3-5 days.
8) An Exceptional field as ALL ore types including Mercoxit. The field is HUGE, 20 Hulks going at it for 24 hours WILL NOT clean it out. It’s freaking HUGE.
9) The lower the site the less of each ore type it has per rock.
Types of gas and quantities:
Barren has ? C50 and ? C60
Token has 3000 C60 and 1500 C70
Minor has 3000 C70 and 1500 C72
Ordinary has 3000 C72 and 1500 C84
Sizeable has 3000 C84 and 1500 C50
Bountiful has 5000 C28 and 1000 C32
Vast has 1000 C28 and 5000 C32
Vital has 500 C320 and 6000 C540
Instrumental has 500 C540 and 6000 C320
1) Order from worst to best for Ladar sites: Barren, Token, Minor, Ordinary, Sizeable, Bountiful, Vast and then Instrumental.
2) Ladar sites can have ships AND/OR sentry towers as defence.
3) They always have two gas clouds.
4) Despawns within one hour of being completely drained.
5) Using a capital ship on these sites does NOT spawn additional npc ships.
6) Upon initial arrival there will not be NPCs, they take a little while to spawn in. There is a spawn that can be there on arrival: 5 sentry towers in a circle, so be ready!
7) A well tanked battleship (Megathron in the test case) can solo these sites in a class 5 Wspace.
8) Competes with gravity sites as the most prolific.