CSM meeting minutes 2.007
[hide]Council of Stellar Management
Meeting Minutes
Sunday 22nd February 2009
Ankhesentepemkah, Bunyip, Darius JOHNSON, Issler Dainze, LaVista Vista, Omber Zombie, Vuk Lau
Announcements / Elections
Popular Issue
New Format For Dev/Player Communication
Ankhe introduced the idea.
LaVista noted that the vague idea of just asking questions of CCP is not what the CSM is supposed to do. He went on to say that Zulupark has already promised to do a regular ‘Ask the devs” Q&A, and questioned how relevant it was that CSM ask the devs questions except around expansions. He noted that CCP are very quick at resolving any issues/questions that bothers the players, and this idea seems to be more of a “hey, we would like to just ask CCP random stuff”. LaVista reminded everyone that everything CSM requests of CCP takes time from them, it should be limited to important issues.
Ankhe agreed that this is a type of ‘ask the devs’ system, but with CSM acting as a filter. This would then mean it takes less time for CCP to answer.
LaVista responded that it would take more time, and Zulupark answered all the questions without the need of a filter.
Ankhe asked how it would take more time.
LaVista pointed out that CCP requires 2 weeks in advance before answering CSM issues, they need to get to the people in charge of CSM, who then farm them out to the appropriate devs, who then come up with answers which then needs to be cleared by IA and marketing. Then they send it back to the community.
Ankhe asked how come other MMO’s can do it weekly, and gave an example of Ultima Online.
LaVista responded that that is because UO is an old game and that their developer pool is probably very small compared to EVE’s.
Ankhe disagreed.
Bunyip thinks that even though it would require a reworking of the current forums, he thinks it’s a great idea to give more significance to the role CSM plays.
Issler pointed out that CCP agreed to put out more blogs and other dev communications while we were in Iceland.
Ankhe responded that the questions this would answer are too small to warrent their own blogs or CSM issue, Dev blogs are for discussing new content or things being reviewed, not small old issues.
Issler pointed out that we don’t need the devs worried about answering ‘small old issues’ as it takes time away from what they are supposed to be doing.
Vuk stated that this will create additional workload for both the CSM and CCP, and as manpower is what is currently limiting them and CSM (low activity levels), he’s not sure either could handle it. However, it may help to increase the time of response from CCP on critical issues.
Ankhe raised the point that part of the CSM’s goal was to get more validity and public exposure, and this would be a nice way of doing that.
Vote: 6-1 pass (LaVista said no)
Transfer Sovereignty to Corporations
Bunyip introduced the topic. Darius immediately said no and that there were reasons it was done via alliances.
Vuk stated he was totally against this as it goes against the fundamentals of alliance purposes.
Bunyip responded that Alliances would still receive teh benefits of the corps in it’s alliance pooling their sov.
Vuk wondered if Bunyip knew how sovereignty worked.
Bunyip said this change would work the same way, but with added benefits.
Both then went back and forth over a few minor points regarding fuel saving and space naming.
Oz pointed out that the benefits of having sov are for all members of the alliance, why would people join an alliance if they got the same benefits by staying in a lone corp and setting standings to those they liked. Oz also pointed out that in the event of an alliance disbanding, the corps do claim sov for any alliance they create immediately after.
Bunyip said that the sov levels would have to be redefined to benefit both single corps and alliances.
Issler said she was against the idea and was willing to wait to see what CCP have up their sleeves with ‘the pendulum’.
Vote: 0-7 fail
Removing T1 Meta-0 Loot Drops From NPC’s Mark II
Bunyip introduced the topic, then after some brief discussion, it was decided to withdraw the topic until more concrete data can be analyzed should CCP provide it.
postponed due to lack of data
Hilarious quote taken out of context for the meeting:
Darius JOHNSON > It's only like 3 of my aussies that I'm particularly close to
LaVista Vista > "Close".
LaVista Vista > How close is that?
LaVista Vista > When you say close in VETO. Corp it usually involves... You know ;/
LaVista Vista > Stuff.
Darius JOHNSON > i have sex with them in the butt
LaVista Vista > There we go.
Internet Spaceships, Serious Business.