Guristas Haven

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Revision as of 18:46, 13 April 2009 by Trebor Notlimah (Talk)

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Complex Details
Guristas Haven
Signature Strength  ???
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unrated
Security 0.0
Known Regions Tenal, Venal, Tribute, Deklein,Geminate, Pure Blind, Vale of the Silentl
Pirate type Guristas

Guristas Haven is a cosmic anomaly found in the areas inhabited by the Guristas Pirates.

The initial spawn consists of three frigates, four elite cruisers, seven battleships, and two factory defense batteries (Guristas cruise missile batteries).

The second spawn consists of four elite frigates, three elite cruisers, three battlecruisers, and three battleships.

The third spawn consists of two elite frigates, four cruisers, and four battleships.

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