Canadian Imperial Armaments (Player corporation)

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Canadian Assault Network

January 2008 - May 2008

-CAN- was founded on the 20th of January 2008 by Happyy. An empire based corp with a "let everyone in" philosophy. With some new players and a handful of vetertans that weren't happy doing what they were doing -CAN- quickly grew to around 30 characters. Happyy, being a very new player, was looking to expand a new corp while learning the game at the same time so the corp was well suited to a lot of people. -CAN-'s home system was in Ghesis but soon people wanted more. With constant wardecs ranging from 1 man corps to 50 man corps -CAN- was needing help/protection.

Soon after we met CBP and Evespace Alliance that was living in Hiremir (Low-sec) and was told the only way they could help was if we went into low-sec. So the corp started to base more and more ops in Low-Sec.

By this stage Happyy had disappeared, without an active CEO we could not officialy join ESA. At the time Directors Cootz, Kianna, Vordin & myself decided that we needed to make a new corp after being told by RL friends of Happyy's that he was not coming back. Canadian Imperial Armements was voted by the corp as the new name and created by myself with Cootz as Co-CEO & Kianna as Director on the 25th May 2008.

The Early Days...

May 2008 - August 2008

ESA was a great fit for .CAN.; there were enough guys interested in PVP to be able to hold our ground against war-decs and living in low-sec was a good stepping stone to eventually moving to 0.0.

With a lot of inexperienced players we suffered many loses in battles but the corp moved slowly away from being more carebear to a more PvP-orientated corp, and this led to issues with ESA.

ESA had a no piracy rule in place which as a corp was strongly disagreed with as we found there wasn't enough pirates to shoot at. It was "unofficially" agreed upon that we would not uphold the ESA charter.

Instead of acts of piracy .CAN. "protected the Hiremir area from piracy by shooting first and asking question later" eg: shoot everything not blue. But this was not enough and we soon found ourselves wanting more, again.

0.0 Yummy Yummy

August 2008 - December 2008

The call went out in the ESA leadership that we wanted 0.0 space to make ISK and shoot things in. After some time and a failed attempt at living in Syndicate region under the protection of SWAT we found ourselves in Outer Ring alongside Cosmic Anomaly and The Black Isle.

While this was happening there was a split within ESA between the people wanting 0.0 and those wanting to stay in Empire. With only S.O.A. and ourselves committing 100% to Outer Ring there was much friction within the alliance. Cootz worked as hard as I've seen anyone to try and make it work through talking with leadership and making posts throughout the forums wanting to get the whole alliance together.

With more hostiles appearing in Outer Ring, little to no alliance support .CAN. moved into the station system of NM-. From there we managed to carve out a niche for ourselves, running ops through lower Outer Ring and getting more PVP action.

Surprise, surprise we wanted more than what we had. It was time to move on...

-V- for Victory?

December 2008 - Present

Wanting a new alliance to join and wanting that alliance to be PVP based and not wanting to walk into an alliance I had no idea about, we soon were offered a place in -V- and moved to Syndicate.

And this is where we live now. We are in an alliance that shoots things for a living rather than mine, where working as a team is important and making new friends along the way.

The corp is bigger than it ever was, makes more ISK than it ever has, kills more things than it ever has, and has never been more fun to be apart of.

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