Base 1 LowSec Archaelogy Site

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Revision as of 10:48, 25 March 2009 by Slayton Ford (Talk)

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Complex Details
Profession Base 1 ArcSal
Signature Strength  ??
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unrated
Security 0.4-0.1
Known Regions Any
Pirate type Depends on Region

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The Base 1 Low Security profession site is a common exploration complex found througought low security space. While the pirates seen within differ from region to region, their composition and class of ship do not change drastically.

There is no ship size restriction on this profession site.

Room 1

Mineable ore: Some Veldspar, Scordite and Plagioclase (quantities not verified)

In the center is a deadspace particle accellerator, surrounded by a field of asteroids with the cans spread equally around the inside perimiter.

Group 1

File:Base1ArcSal Losec.JPG

"Loot Containers"

Sometimes, failing to hack a Debris can results in a small smartbomb being set off. Additionally, when you approach within 5000m or attempt to hack the Rubble Can, 1-2 Pirate Specific Frigates, or 1 Destroyer will spawn to defend the can.

"Possible Items"

  • Racial Encryption Skill Book
  • Rigging Skill Books
  • T1 Salvage in low quantities (3-12 items per can)



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