Butternut Squash (Character)

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Revision as of 18:00, 22 February 2009 by Butternut Squash (Talk)

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Butternut Squash

Ahhhhh the sad mad Butternut Squash, the 14 day trial account with the silly name that just could not let go, officially started his non-NPC life by creating Princes of the Universe (POFU) which soon merged into the historically rich Lunar Dawn (enb). Butters soon became the CEO of Lunar Dawn after Mendel Black (former CEO) went AWOL. So much fun and friendship followed, any pilot in Lunar Dawn at the time will surely testify that the camraderie of Lunar Dawn was as good as it gets.

It was whilst Lunar Dawn were basing out of Geminate that the Concept of a "Super Corp" was conceived along with close allies Soul Collectors (SCOL) and United Knights Mining and Security (UKMS), with a heavy heavy heart, the vast majority of Lunar Dawn left the mothercorp to become the inaugural members of Macabre Votum (M.V).

Butternut Squash went on to become CEO of MV on two separate occasions.

--Butternut Squash 00:00, 23 February 2009 (UTC)

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