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Revision as of 13:07, 26 January 2009 by ISD Crystal Carbonide (Talk)

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In Goonswarm and many of their allies, a "z0r chain" is the practice of typing one of the three letters of "z0r" in a rapid series in the local chat, to instill fear and awe into the hearts of their opponents, much alike war drums.

Typically, pilots are only allowed one letter in sequence; so, the first pilot will type a 'z', the second will type a '0', the third will type a 'r'. Variations to the z0r chain are the "TWD chain", after the famous BOB Fleet Commander, or the "Zazzmatazz chain", inspired by The Illuminati's pilot The Monkeysphere.

Initiating, participating or finishing a z0r chain in the official forums will earn you a ban.

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