User:Tusko Hopkins

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Revision as of 20:13, 20 January 2009 by Tusko Hopkins (Talk)

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Current status

Tusko Hopkins is the CEO of HUN Corp, executor of the HUN Reloaded alliance. He is fulfilling the role of vice secretary in the second CSM.

Ingame records

Tusko was "born" on the 19th May 103. He spent about a year in empire, then moved to 0.0 where he is located since.

Corps of interest

Alliance tournament

Tusko was flying on AT4 and AT5. His team (HUN Reloaded) has won the 4th Alliance Tournament and fell out in the semifinals of the 5th tourney.

CSM Activity

Tusko has been a candidate to the first two new-generation CSMs.


On the elections of the first council Tusko received 689 votes, which was not enough to become a full member of the council. He has been serving as the first alternate throughout the season. Near the end of the cycle, Hardin, a full member of the CSM has withdrawn, so Tusko became a full member, although only for a short period of time.


On the elections of the second council he received 935 votes, which were sufficient to become a member in the council. On the first meeting the members voted on the positions, Tusko became the vice secretary of the council.

Other EVE-related activities

Tusko is an administrator and forum moderator of the Hungarian EVE Portal


Tusko has developed a proprietary killboard engine which has been in use by different corps and alliances. At this moment it is serving as the semi-public killboard for all Hungarian corps. The killboard engine and website is still in development.

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