Gurista Base

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Complex Details
Guristas Base
Signature Strength 2.4
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unrated
Security 0.0
Known Regions Tenal,Venal, Tribute
Pirate type Guristas

Gurista Base is one the easiest and most common 0.0 security space exploration complex found in areas of space inhabited by the Guristas, e.g Tenal.

The gate allows use by any non-capital ship type.

The complex is comprised of two deadspace rooms.

Room 1

Group1 2 Frigate class npcs and 1 Dire Cruiser class npc.

Group2 4 Cruiser class npcs

  • Upon destruction of the Dire Cruiser in Group1 an additional 2-3 Cruiser class npcs will spawn (Group3).

Group3 2-3 Cruiser class NPC

Please note: The area between objectives in this exploration site is over 100km of travel.

Room 2

Group1 Between 6 and 8 Cruiser class npcs, split evenly with half being a Dire variant.

Upon destruction of one of this group a second group spawns around 100km away.

Group2 2-3 Battleship class npcs and 2-3 Dire cruiser class npcs.

File:Guristas experimental weapon.jpg

After finishing off these two groups of npcs, you continue towards the trigger in the complex. In this exploration site it is named - experimental weapon.

At a certain proximity to the experimental weapon a small group, 2-3, npcs spawn to protect it. The experimental weapon also deploys 2 missile batteries upon aggression to protect itself and can further deploy an additional four cruiser class npcs.

Upon destruction of the experimental weapon a final group spawns.

Group3 4 Battleship class npc, plus a chance of a Dread Guristas Battleship. This groups spawns approximately 150km away.

NOTE: No message accompanying the destruction of the experimental weapon signifies no escalation.

A successful escalation is shown up by a pop-up box instructing you on the destination of the next location in the adventure.


File:2008. The next part of this escalation takes you to a room, which is not acessed by a acceleration gate, where you will recieve three warning to leave this protected area or face the consequences. There is also an additional chance of a Dread Guristas Battleship npc being at the warp in area when you arrive.

"Message >This is a private area, please leave instantly or face the consequences!"

"Message >Security forces are inbound, leave while you can or face the consequences!"

"Message >This is your last warning, leave now or the consequences will be dire!"

Three groups will spawn, each accompanied by a message, with tackling frigates; as shown in the pitcure to the right.

"Message > Like a thunder out of a clear blue sky, local fills up with Guristas... there is murder in the air."

"Message > Again you are taken by surprise by a wave of Guristas, your computers reel to include them into your immediate battle tactic calculations."

"Message > This attack is totally relentless, will you survive?"

Final Part of Consequences Smonsequences.

Group1 4 Dire Cruiser class, 3 Cruiser class, 3 Dire Frigate class and 2 Battleship class npcs.

As you attack you get this, Message >More pirates have appeared.

4 more Battleship class npcs spawn. Once they are all destroyed you can attack the Guristas Research Facility. 5 Cruise Missile batteries will spawn on this aggression. Destroy these and then destroy the facility for a chance to spawn the final wave and the overseer. If the final wave spawns this message will be recieved:

"Message > Oushii Torun: Imbeciles! Your incompetence has cost us a Research Facility. As usual I will have to take matters into my own hands ... *sigh*"

He spawns with a bodyguard of 3 frigates class and 3 battleship class npcs.

Please note: : Oushii Tourun is a Storyline Mission Battleship with a 9.375mil bounty that can drop Pith C-Type loot.
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