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Revision as of 12:42, 10 January 2009 by Kismeteer (Talk)

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My name is Kismeteer and I'm generally a carebear with teeth. I've been known to fly lots of different types of ships.

Please note: Redirects are sometimes not working, even after being approved. If you see a broken redirect page, get an ISD person to approve it so it might work correctly. Not sure why it's failing.


Put your comments right after here and sign them. Thanks.

Crap I'm working on

I'm in the process of doing a bunch of redirects to make writing easier for pilots after me. This involves putting short hands to at least useful pages instead of letting them go nowhere as they do now. For an example:

cyno gen -> Cynosural Field Generator I -> Cynosural field

Right now, my major page in progress is: Ships

Oh yeah, I'm the same Kismeteer that has been working on Eve Survival for awhile, sponsored by Chepe Nolon. Most recent page I edited there was Smuggler Interception Level 4.

EFT summary template

Tried to make a decent summary template. Right now, looks like this:

<td"> EFT Summary, all level V, Rifter, PVP Setup, cheap:
Damage per second: 79
Range: 0.6+5km
Defence: 20 peak, 4 sustained
Effective HP: 2716
Resists: EM: 60% Thermal: 35% Kinetic: 25% Explosive: 10%
Capacitor lasts: 22 sec / 2m 41s
Cost Average: 700k isk
Additional Notes: {{{Notes}}}

Broken Redirect pages

Here is a list of fixed redirect pages, that I know of. It's odd because NOS works but some others didn't. You need the target page to have some text in it, even if it's blank.

THESE ARE DONE, thanks to ISD Salpsan's discovery. Interdictor Cruiser Probes Interdiction_bubble Cloaked Covert_cyno_gen Siege_module Triage Pod_pilot Doomsday_device Covert_ops_cloak Low_sec Jump_bridges Compressed Heavy_Assault_Ship HAC Recon_Ship Recon Logistic Heavy_Interdictor HIC Hictor Battlecruiser BC Command_Ship CS Battleship BS Marauder Jammed Gang_warfare Dreadnought Carrier Mom Dread Industrial_Ship Hauler Barge Mission Mining_barges Freighter Jump_Freighter Fighter Clone_Vat_Bay Script Transport_Ship Exhumer Industrial_Command_Ship Capital_Industrial_Ship Shuttle Miscellaneous

I know I missed some, but eh these are done now.

Ship Template:


In the meantime, you can use the blind template, which works ... okay. well... not well but what are you going to do. If I pull out the [[ crap from the template, I can make it look better and easier to use but for now, it will do. Eventually, we want it corresponding to specific slots and such so we can make it somewhat graphical, similar to how it might look on a killboard. I want it to work like an EFT paste, then boom it looks the same on the wiki.

Here's my ideal, aka a straight EFT paste:

[Rifter, Solo PvP Rifter import 1] Gyrostabilizer I Small Armor Repairer I 200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

1MN Afterburner I Warp Scrambler I Stasis Webifier I

200mm AutoCannon I, EMP S 200mm AutoCannon I, EMP S 200mm AutoCannon I, EMP S 'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I, Gremlin Rocket

[Polycarbon Engine Housing I] (no don't actually do this) [empty rig slot] [empty rig slot]


Solo PvP Rifter import 1

Low Slots

Medium Slots

High Slots



Note: this template will not work right until someone installs the ParserFunction and MediaWiki 1.71 or above. Use Template:ShipFitBlind until someone does.

Solo PvP Rifter import 1

Low Slots

Medium Slots

High Slots



Solo PvP Rifter import 1

Low Slots

Medium Slots

High Slots



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