Gurista Military Complex

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Complex Details
Gurista Military Complex
Signature Strength 0.6
Type {{{type}}}
DED rating unrated
Security 0.0
Known Regions Tenal,Venal, Tribute
Pirate type Guristas

Gurista Military Complex is one of the harder 0.0 security space exploration complex found in areas of space inhabited by the Guristas, e.g Venal.


Initial Spawn in the first area comprises 12 Battleship class and 12 Cruiser class npcs. After this initial wave has been dealt with you need to attack the EM Force-field surrounding the acceleration gate.

File:Gurista m complex r one.jpg

"Message > The destruction of the force-field has triggered a powerful thermal reaction, damaging most ships in the vicinity."

The next step in this exploration site is to gain access to the second room.

"This gate is locked! The Guristas Diamond Tag must be retrieved and stored in your cargo hold when you activate it for it to be unlocked. The question that remains is, who (or what) is the gatekeeper?"

To achieve this objective, you will have to locate the Control Tower in this area and destory it. This structure will not go down without defending itself and as you attack, a second wave of defenders will spawn.

"Message > A multitude of ships have undocked to defend the control tower."

"Message > Control Tower Operator: Get out there you lazy sods and defend the control tower! We'll all die if you don't do something, fast!"

This 2nd wave consists of 6 Dire Frigate and 6 Battleship class npcs. Once this second wave has been dealy with, you may resume completing the destruction of the Control Tower to gain access to the acceleration gate leasing to the second room.

"Message > As the Control Tower is destroyed, the device keeping the nearby acceleration gate malfunctions. The gate appears to be open now."


The Initial wave in this area consists of 6 Dire Frigate class; 3 Cruiser class; 4 Guristas Sentry; and 9 Battleship class npcs. Once this initial wave has been destoyed focus your attack on the Guristas Deep Space Stronghold.

"Message > In response to attack, the Guristas Stronghold has activated its self defense mechanism. All power is temporarily used to charge a massive smartbomb, which detonates a powerful EM blast-wave, affecting all enemy ships in a large radius."

Warning: Each Player that attacks the Guristas Deep Space Stronghold causes the structure to defend itself with a EM based smartbomb attack!

"Message > In a last-ditch attempt to save the station, it's reserve fighters are sent out to do battle"

When the structure goes into fifty percent hull damage it will launch its remaining fighters to defend itself. This wave comprises: 4 Dire Frigate class; 3 Dire Cruiser class; 5 Battleship class; and possibly 1 Dread Guristas Battleship class npcs.

To finish the area, simply destroy this second wave and resume destroying the Guristas Deep Space Stronghold. Upon its destruction you will either reciev no message - meaning that this exploration site has not escalated; or you recieve a message and directions to the next area in the exploration escalation called Pirate's Path.

Pirate's Path Part 1

"Going through the logs from one of the command ships you blasted, you come across a recent memo containing a draft for a plan where forces from this Military Complex and another similar to this one were to gang up and raid a space trucker station somewhere in the region. Where this space trucker station is, is not included in the logs, but the location of the rally point is there. It is supposed to be by a small asteroid belt, not too far away."

The first area of this escaltion comprises 3 Battleship class; 4 Crusier class; and possibly 1 Dread Guristas Battleship npcs. After these have been dealt with use the acceleration gate into the second area. This second area is occupied by a Guristas Terrorist Scout, which asks for a password, simply destroy this ship.

"Message > Guristas Terrorist Scout: Send me the secret password NOW. I'm warning you ..."

Upon the destruction of the vessel, the escalation will either finish or you will recieve information directing you to the stage in this escalating encounter.

Pirate's Path Part 2

"From the wreckage of this ship, you get info on where it is from, it is another Guristas station. Well, more an outpost than a station perhaps, but it is a pure military outfit, not a regular colony."

The Initial wave in this area comprises 3 Frigate class and 4 Batleship class npcs. Upon their destruction atttack the station. The station will take measures to defend itself.

"Message > Multiple ships have undocked to defend the station, which has also deployed 8 cruise missile batteries in self defense."
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