Blockade (Sanshas)
- Faction: Sansha Nation
- Mission type: Encounter
- Space type: Normal space
- Damage dealt: EM/Therm
- Web/scramble: Elite Frigates
- Extras: Heavy tracking disruption (Elite Cruisers)
- Recommended damage dealing: EM (best), Therm (secondary)
- Recommended ships: CNR, Raven, Rokh, Dominix, Abaddon
Single Pocket
Auto-aggro from Initial Group at warp-in. No aggro on drones.
* The first reinforcement wave contain multiple Elite Cruisers which will render a turret ship almost useless with their heavy tracking disruption. These should be primary targets for a turret ship.
Initial Group
(Auto-aggro): (25-33km) 3-4x Destroyers (Centior Abomination/Monster) 4-5x Battleships (Centus Savage Lord/Beast Lord/Overlord/Mutant Lord) Trigger (Centus Savage Lord/Beast Lord/Overlord) 1x Starbase Stasis Tower
Reinforcement Wave 1
Back (70-80km) 3-4x Elite Cruisers (Centum Loyal Beast/Juggernaut/Slaughter) Tracking Disruptor 4-5x Battleships (Centus Savage Lord/Overlord/Mutant Lord/Beast Lord) Trigger (Centus Beast Lord/Overlord) Bottom (65-75km) 2-3x Destroyers (Centior Cannibal/Misshape) 2-3x Elite Cruisers (Centum Loyal Fiend/Hellhound) Tracking Disruptor Front (40-45km) 2-3x Elite Cruisers (Centum Loyal Beast/Juggernaut/Execrator) Tracking Disruptor 3x Battlecruisers (Centatis Wraith/Devil)
Reinforcement Wave 2
Back (85-90km) 1-2x Elite Frigates (Centii Loyal Slavehunter/Savage) Tracking Disruptor 2-3x Battleships (Centus Savage Lord/Overlord/Mutant Lord) Trigger (Centus Savage Lord/Overlord) Front (50-55km) 1-2x Destroyer (Centior Horror/Abomination) 2x Battleships (Centus Mutant Lord/Savage Lord)
Reinforcement Wave 3
Back (70km) 2-3x Elite Frigates (Centii Loyal Savage/Slavehunter/Slaughterer) Tracking Disruptor 2-3x Elite Cruisers (Centum Loyal Execrator/Slaughter) Tracking Disruptor 1x Battleship (Centus Beast Lord/Savage Lord/Overlord) Trigger Bottom (85km) 3-4x Battleships (Centus Dark Lord/Overlord)
Reinforcement Wave 4
Left (50km) 3-4x Elite Frigates (Centii Loyal Scavanger/Minion/Ravener) Web/Scramble 3-4x Battleships (Centus Overlord/Dark Lord) 1x Battleship (Centus Tyrant) Trigger (Mission completion)
* If you stay in the center, all spawns from the reinforcement waves will converge towards the center. Try to eliminate the closest groups as fast as possible before they all converge. * To warp into this pocket at any distance : Warp to mission location, quickly cancel it and then select warp your preferred distance. Keep in mind, it may put you closer to a spawn location. * You can also snipe by creating sniping bookmarks > 150km apart. Drop a cargo container at each location. Warp from container to container as needed. * A very rare True Sansha battleship spawn may appear with the final wave. The chance is random. * Misson is flagged completed after you have killed the final Centus Tyrant battleship.
* Kill all the trigger battleships. You will need to snipe, or have a permatank with 2 reppers as the waves spawned will put out an incredible amount of DPS. * Kill the final Centus Tryrant battleship. Warp out.