Ladel Teravada (Character)

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Caldari Citizen # 6812275C-INO3 Ladel Teravada is a product of Caldari science. He was created via the joining of DNA from his biological parents the locally famous scientist Tesh Teravada and a midlevel corporate financier named Olau Kempi, both of Lai Dai corporation heritage.

Born on the third planet of Inoue in a major hive-city he was raised to be a scientist like his mother. He went to some of the finest schools on the planet and was looking like he was going to become a promising scientist, primarily in the graviton physics field. When he reached his 18th birthday however, his own plans were made manifest by joining up with the planetary airforce and later becoming a fighterpilot.

After severe disobedience in combat (although the actions of his valour being confirmed by a citation) he was discharged from the airforce and took up his profession as a scientist again. 

During his work as a scientist he was at the age of 26 drafted into a pool of promising young men and women of Inouean heritage to be tested for podpilot compability. 

He and four others out of the pool were chosen for further training and by late 107 he was drafted into the Science and Trade Institute in Isaziwa as a fully-fledged podpilot.

He did not stay for long however, immedieatly searching for a way to prove himself on a wider scale and found the local corporation of Caldari Independent Navy Reserve. He was interviewed and then taken in by pilots Hayzo and Kiruren.

To present day he remains in Caldari Independent Navy Reserve and has amassed a considerable wealth of knowledge and power, having risen to Chief Executive Officer and gotten the respect of friends, allies and enemies alike as a dangerous pilot.

He has led two teams in the Fourth and Fifth Alliance Tournaments, been Executor of The Fourth District, been named as the most dangerous pilot among the four Empires militiaforces on several occasions and was nominated by allies and enemies both to a Caldari of the Year award in late 108. 

He currently serves as CEO of Caldari Independent Navy Reserve and Executor in retireship of Fourth District alliance.

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