Remy Ouche

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A Cosmos agent resident of the Sanctum Pyschosis in Lanngisi.

Remy Ouche; Eifyr & Co. Production L2 Q0

Hidden Truths Part 1 of 3 [Courier 0.1m3] Jumps [2] Reward 78,000 Bonus 78,000 (68 minutes)

Hidden Truths – Unfolding a Mystery Part 2 of 3 [Courier 0.4m3] Jumps [2] Reward 51,000 Bonus 37,000 (44 minutes)

Hidden Truths – Extremely Unfortunate Incident Part 3 of 3 [Trade 0.3m3] Reward 1 unit of 800mm Heavy ‘Jolt’ Repeating Artillery I BPC ME10 PE4 Bonus 327,000 (5 hours 18 minutes) [3.45% increase minmater / 2.76% gallente]

Please note: You can go to the Guerrilla Base in Tvink, use your own refugees, or buy on market / escrow to complete this mission.
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