The technique of logging off to avoid combat, or the Logoffski, is a much debated and largely despised combat tactic used by certain players which typically leads to frustration and smack talk in game channels and the forums.
When a person performs a 'logoffski,' he logs out of the game client in order to avoid combat and a loss of assets. Depending on whether an Aggression Timer is active. The pilot who performed the logoffski will vanish from local space in a couple of minutes if they are not under an aggression timer. Otherwise, it will be up to 15 minutes before their ship disappears from space.
==[[History|History]]</nowki>== It is rumored that the logoffski tactic was first used by Russian Pilots from Red [[Alliance|Alliance]]. [[Bob|BOB]] even named the 25S station, for a period of time, "25S - Logoffski Training Institute" in remembrance of the tactic.