Project New Dawn

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Project New Dawn

Location: New Dawn, NL6V-7 VI
Affiliation: Sorn Interstellar (Serpentis)
Notes: Water / jungle planet, planetary surface consist of 80% water
Population: 100 members of Sorn Interstellar, 342 civilians

Planet gravity: 9,701 m/s²
Seasons: Winter -> spring - > Summer 01 - Rain season - Summer 02 -> Autumn - Winter
Local wildlife indicates levo-amino acid-based lifeforms
WARNING: leviathan class lifeforms detected

Start of a new era
on 05.09 yc122 a broadcast went out on local colony networks in the Federation as well as Syndicate with the following news

News announcement from Sorn Interstellar
Are you tired of living in fear of the imminent threat of the Triglavians and their lackeys that terrorizes the space lanes of our good Federation, with the problems hammering down the other empires like the Caldari its clear that the four empires aren't safe anymore? Sorn Interstellar offers a new home away from the conflicts that endangered the lives of you and ours, in the rich environment of NL6V-7 VI. Here we offer you a new start under the protection of Sorn interstellar's state of the art planetary defense network, as well your Ms. Federations's trusted allies.
Sign up today and be one of the first to step into New Dawn. The video keeps playing with a holovideo of the planet, as well as close up of the city still being built, before going back to the Sorn interstellar logo, before repeating after 15min.

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