The Draconis Family

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Important note: This is a work in progress and a player made family history. Some images may be from outside of EVE and are for roleplay purposes only. This page should not be considered canon should it accedently disagree with some of the official lore. It is also incomplete, and may be edited at any time.
Name Lord Vulxanis Draconis
Gender Male


The Draconis Family traces its lineage back to the early days of the Reclaiming, although at the time it was a very minor house.

Throughout the centuries, the Draconis Family would intermarry, buy, or use political maneuvering to gain more power. The Holders of the family would go through cycles of corruption and piousness, depending on what was more effective for their survival. The first recorded member of House Draconis was Xakuur Draconis, a general in the Imperial army during the reclaiming. He came from a minor noble family, but had taken the name "Draconis" meaning “Dragon” after his men claimed he had the ferocity in battle of a mythical monster from ancient lore. His original family name has been lost to history.

By AD 21875, House Draconis was a vassal of the Kor-Azor heir and among the noble houses on Eclipticum. When Lord Tercus Draconis assumed holdership of House Draconis, he married Lady Consort Faliz Kor-Azor, one of the royal family's minor daughters, which provided powerful legitimacy in the family's expansions in the coming years. Through subsequent marriages and political maneuvering, the holdings of House Draconis expanded to cover the entirety of the continent of Athror. The holdings have been in the family more or less intact into the modern day.

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