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Clan Aloga is a wealthy Brutor Clan that lives in the southeast region of the Moiar Archipelago of Matar. Its Ancestral home is the island of Matmoro, one of the larger islands of the region, with the Clans capital city named after the island itself. The Clan’s chief industry is in shipping; due to the location of both the island and the city, they have been able to take advantage of the natural flow of goods that crosses to and from the mainland and the rest of the Archipelago. They form part of the Council of Matmoro, the governing body of the island and it's inhabitants, and can be considered the 'de facto' leading clan on the island due to thier wealth and control over shipping.

Clan History

The Brutor Tribe was among the most heavily hit during the day of darkness and the subsequent long night. The Aloga where no exception. Large sections of the clan were enslaved by the Amarr and distributed among their empire. The fact that some Aloga ever managed to remain free is a testament to both their tenacity and quick thinking; various cave systems natural to their home island allowed them to mount a small, largely symbolic resistance, however it allowed for a small portion of the Clan to survive. The original head family of the clan however could not escape enslavement, and over time they were all captured, and it is believed that none of that line remain alive. As a result, a branch family with close ties with the first was selected to head the Clan. They have maintained that position to the current day.

Clan Structure

When the second branch family was selected to lead, they adopted the name of the original head to honor and remember them. The tradition has lasted the centuries, where now only the Head Family carries the name Aloga. All subsequent branches carry a derivative of this, which is indicated by the prefix ‘Al’ in the name. An example of this is the Al-Tem, who have actually broken from the traditional clan business to cultivate a native plant, from which a strong liquor is distilled. Far from being ostracized for their choice, this liquor holds wide popularity amongst the island and constitutes an important export. Clan meetings, while open to the entire population are formal events where each family head, speaking on behalf of their respective family, meet to discuss important matters. By tradition, the Clan Chief is the first and last to speak at these meetings.

The position of Chief of the Clan is hereditary, passing along to the eldest child of the head family regardless of gender, however they must be approved by all the branch heads in order to assume their official duty. On the rare occasions where the next chief fails to achieve consensus, a trial may be held, where the prospective chief must prove that they are worthy. The Trial itself is determined by the clan’s Shamans, and is isolated from the approval process as to avoid political contamination.

Current Chief: Borr Aloga

Rituals and Trials

Chief selection trial – This trial is determined by the Clan’s Shamans, and is unique to each potential chief. It may come in the form of a test of strength, ingenuity, or intellect. The purpose is to test the qualities of the individual, in particular whichever quality seems to be the one in question that is causing the branch families to object. Upon a successful completion of the trial, the individual automatically assumes their role.

Voluval – The Voluval ceremony is not unique to the Aloga. Indeed it is one of the most important ceremonies that any Minmatar can undertake. The Voluval ceremony takes place twice each year, at the height of the Summer and Winter seasons on one of the high outcroppings on Matmoro overlooking the vast ocean, and is a joint ceremony between the all of the clans of the island. Those undergoing the ceremony gather at the cliffs edge, accompanied by the mystics who administers the ceremony. Once injected with the serum, the Matari youth then must walk from the edge to the large open expanse where the assembled clans await. The path they must take is bordered by two high walls of intense flame, meant to burn away the flesh and purify their spirit. By the end of the walk their mark would have appeared, and they are then received and welcomed by their clan.

Spirit Cleansing – this ceremony is meant to cleanse a person who has been tempted or corrupted by evil spirits. The ritual involves drinking a ceremonial drink extracted from local plants and stepping into a right of fire, letting the heay burn away pride, selfishness and the temptations that the evil spirits offer, leaving your spirit bare of everything. The shaman will chant rites, calling on your ancestors to strengthen your spirit, fortify it, and fight off the evil spirits that surround you. The ceremony ends when the ring of fire dies and the participant is given a drink of cold fresh spring water.

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