Amarr Emperor Takes Notice of Cathedral Debate

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2004.05.01 | Svarthol

The debate surrounding Catiz's Tash-Murkon purchase of the Tal-Romon Cathedral has escalated to such a point that the Amarr Emperor Doriam has become aware of it. The debate ranges in religious to political in nature, essentially revolving on one hand around whether tourists should be allowed within the hallow grounds of the cathedral as a way of paying for its renovation; all the way to whether Catiz Tash-Murkon herself is a true royal heir on the other. Imperial pilots have been very vocal on the matter, which probably explains the Emperor's interest.

The Imperial Chamberlain has indicated that the Emperor is closely monitoring the situation and is likely to make a decision whether to intervene in some matter in the next few days. Meanwhile, work has begun on the Tal-Romon cathedral, though Catiz has decided not to allow tourists onto the premises for the time being, while the issue remains so volatile. On a related note, Uriam Kador has announced that he's going on an official visit to Ardishapur Prime to discuss matters with his fellow royal heir. The two heirs have heavily criticized Catiz Tash-Murkon and will undoubtedly converse about their next steps in their war of words with the Udorian heir.

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