Republic Galvanized As Khumaak Debate Continues

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2004.02.19 | By Svarthol

The Minmatar Republic is currently alive with debate over whether the Sebiestor tribe's motion to place a ban on the Khumaak, a ceremonial weapon worn by statesmen and senior officers of the armed forces, should be passed into law. Tribal Council meetings in the days since the proposal have been filled with vitriol, both sides making increasingly strongly-worded statements on what has now been termed both a "glowing testament to the Minmatar race's indomitable spirit" and a "harmful symbol of hate and barbarism." A few of the Council debates are reported to have escalated into shouted oratory and personal attacks.

The Minmatar people, meanwhile, are showing their support in other ways. The day after the motion was announced, sales of Khumaak replicas shot through the roof on worlds throughout the Republic. Many people have taken to wearing the replicas in public, and organized protests by opponents of the ban have necessitated police intervention in at least five different cities so far.

Under the Tribal Traditions Preservation Act of 23285, Minmatar starship captains and other RFSC-approved vessel pilots are legally allowed to purchase genuine Khumaaks from the Republic Justice Department's Ministry of Ceremony. Through the widespread public debate of the past days this fact has now become common knowledge, prompting intense market demand for the item. Public debate forums are rife with supporters, many of whom are vocal about their ownership -- and proud display -- of a genuine Khumaak.

Holoreel director Jarol Brint's twelve-year old reel The Fire of a Nation, a fictional account of the events on Ezzara VI during the rebellion, has enjoyed a tremendous resurgence in popularity. In response to public demand, entertainment networks and theaters alike have taken up repeated showings of the reel.

"Yeah, they've really taken to it," said an unidentified theater manager. "My revenues are up 200% from the day before yesterday. I don't know, it's almost like people have been waiting for something like this to happen."

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