Template:Wormhole attributes

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Wormholes to Class 1 (348) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime Mass/Jump Max mass Sig Str
Z647 static Class 2 8 all 128 16 hrs 20 Gg 500 Gg 10.0%
P060 static Class 4 18 all 46 16 hrs 20 Gg 500 Gg 5.0%
Y790 static Class 5 24 233 & 239 20 16 hrs 20 Gg 500 Gg 2.5%
Q317 static Class 6 30 301 6 16 hrs 20 Gg 500 Gg 2.5%
H121 wandering Class 1 ? ? ? 16 hrs 20 Gg 500 Gg 10.0%
V301 wandering Class 3 ? ? ? 16 hrs 20 Gg 500 Gg 5.0%
Z971 wandering high, low, & null ? ? ~67 high, ? low, ? null 16 hrs 20 Gg 100 Gg 10.0% high, 5.0% low, 2.5% null
Wormholes to Class 2 (525) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
D382 static Class 2 6 all 141 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 6.67%
N766 static Class 4 16 all 60 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 4.0%
D364 static Class 5 24 234, 235, 237, & 238 31 16 hrs 300 Gg 1000 Gg 1.25%
G024 static Class 6 30 297 7 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 1.25%
C125 wandering Class 1 ? ? ? 16 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 6.67%
I182 wandering Class 3 ? ? ? 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 4.0%
R943 wandering high, low, & null ? ? ~95 high, ? low, ? null 16 hrs 300 Gg 750 Gg 6.67% high,
4.0% low,
2.22% null
Wormholes to Class 3 (494) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
O477 static Class 2 4 all 104 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 5.0%
C247 static Class 4 21 & 23 all 143 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 10.0%
M267 static Class 5 27 all 71 16 hrs 300 Gg 1000 Gg 1.25%
L477 static Class 6 30 300 & 304 17 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 5.0%
O883 wandering Class 1 ? ? ? 16 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 5.0%
N968 wandering Class 3 ? ? ? 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 10.0%
X702 wandering high, low, & null ? ? ~81 high, ? low, ? null 24 hrs 300 Gg 1000 Gg 5.0% high,
10.0% low,
5.0% null
Wormholes to Class 4 (505) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
Y683 static Class 2 5 all 102 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 4.0%
X877 static Class 4 19 & 20 all 144 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 6.67%
E175 static Class 5 29 all 90 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 5.0%
Z457 static Class 6 30 302 & 305 17 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 4.0%
M609 wandering Class 1 ? ? ? 16 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 4.0%
T405 wandering Class 3 ? ? ? 16 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 6.67%
O128 wandering high, low, & null ? ? <5 high, ? low, ? null 24 hrs 300 Gg 1000 Gg ?
Wormholes to Class 5 (512 systems) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
N062 static Class 2 7 55-58 40 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5%
H900 static Class 4 22 all 87 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5%
H296 static Class 5 24, 25, & 28 all except 233-235 & 237-239 232 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 10.0%
V911 static Class 6 30 299 & 306-310 52 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 10.0%
L614 wandering Class 1 ? ? ? 24 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 2.5%
N770 wandering Class 3 ? ? ? 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5%
M555 wandering high sec ? ? ~36 24 hrs 1000 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5%
N432 wandering low & null sec ? ? ? 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5% low,
10.0% null
Wormholes to Class 6 (113) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
R474 static Class 2 7 59 10 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 2.22%
U574 static Class 4 17 all 25 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 1.25%
V753 static Class 5 26 all 68 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 6.67%
W237 static Class 6 30 298 & 303 14 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 6.67%
S804 wandering Class 1 ? ? ? 24 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 1.25%
A982 wandering Class 3 ? ? ? 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 2.22%
B041 wandering high sec ? ? <5 48 hrs 300 Gg 5000 Gg ?
U319 wandering ?** ? ? ? 48 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg ?
note: B041 & U319 are theorized to appear in "high sec" and "low and null sec" respectively
Wormholes to High Security (1212) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
N110 static Class 1 2 & 3 all 215 24 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 10.0%
B274 static Class 2 4, 5, & 8 all 334 24 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 10.0%
D845 static Class 3 12 all 105 24 hrs 300 Gg 5000 Gg 5.0%
D792 wandering Class 5 & 6 ? ? >6 24 hrs 1000 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5% c5, 2.5% c6
A641 wandering high sec ? ? ~51 16 hrs 1000 Gg 2000 Gg 10.0%
B449 wandering null sec ? ? ? 16 hrs 1000 Gg 2000 Gg 2.5%
S047 wandering ? ? ? ? 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg ?
B520 wandering ? ? ? ? 24 hrs 300 Gg 5000 Gg ?
Wormholes to Low Security (695) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
J244 static Class 1 1 314-323 105 24 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 5.0%
A239 static Class 2 6 all 141 24 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 5.0%
U210 static Class 3 9,10,11,13, & 15 all 294 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 10.0%
C140 wandering Class 5 & 6 ? ? ? 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 5.0% c5, 5.0% c6
R051 wandering high sec ? ? ~18 16 hrs 1000 Gg 3000 Gg 5.0%
N944 wandering low & null sec ? ? ? 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 10.0% low,
5.0% null
N290 wandering ?** ? ? ? 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg ?
C391 wandering ?** ? ? ? 24 hrs 1800 Gg 5000 Gg ?
Wormholes to Null Security (3294*^) Systems Extra Stats
Name Type Departs from Region Constellations Total Count Lifetime mass/Jump max mass Sig Str
Z060 static Class 1 1 311-323 28 24 hrs 20 Gg 1000 Gg 2.5%
E545 static Class 2 7 all 50 24 hrs 300 Gg 2000 Gg 2.5%
K346 static Class 3 14 all 96 24 hrs 300 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5%
Z142 wandering Class 5 & 6 ? ? ? 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 10% c5, 10% c6
V283 wandering high sec ? ? ~8 24 hrs 1000 Gg 3000 Gg 2.5%
S199 wandering null sec ? ? ? 24 hrs 1350 Gg 3000 Gg 10%
C248 wandering ?** ? ? ? 24 hrs 1800 Gg 5000 Gg ?
K329 wandering ?** ? ? ? 24 hrs 1800 Gg 5000 Gg ?
note: mass/jump = total mass in gigagrams (Gg) that can pass through wormhole at once (limits ship size able to enter various sectors of space; it's possible that CONCORD's anti cap ship technology may be having an effect on wormholes, further study needed), max mass = maximum amount of mass that can pass through before wormhole collapse, and sig str = base signature strength (used for scanning)
note also: class 1 allows only 20,000,000 kg per passage, restricting ships to battlecruiser or smaller; it is possible that something similar to CONCORD anti cap ship tech is influencing wormholes in class 1 space, further study needed.
note also: wormholes marked with a ? or a ** in their "Departs from" field have not been sighted and require confirmation.
further note: constellation statics not included in "Total Counts" field due to lack of data on these wormholes.
* null sec not including jove/ccp space
^also note that the odds of finding a wormhole in null sec can be influenced by the Quantum Flux Generator infrastructure upgrade.
** these wormholes do not bridge from or to high sec, class 1, 2, 3, or 4 space, judging by mass allowances (high sec, class 1, 2, 3, and 4 do not allow more than 1,000,000,000 kg per passage, i.e. no dreadnaught or higher).
sources: Arek'Jaalan Project Compass, Arek'Jaalan Project Snapshot, Arek'Jaalan Project Atlas (which include previous groundwork laid by Elisa Fir).
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