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Omvistus is a capsuleer of True Amarr descent. His corporation was extensively involved in the exploitation of resources on Chesiette Prime following the CONCORD treaty that allowed capsuleers access to planetary infrastructure and development rights. Omvistus, the primary contact between the planet and the corporation, used intimidation and threats to get his way.


Little is publicly known about Omvistus. According to CONCORD's database, he graduated from Hedion University in the middle of YC112. Some time afterward, Omvistus was recruited into a private corporation, where he quickly displayed skills in aggressive diplomacy. He advanced through the corporate ranks at an astonishing speed, being involved in many of the corporation's more public negotiations.

After capsuleers were given access to planetary development, Omvistus's corp targeted Chesiette Prime as a sight for exploitation. The planet was moderately populated, with several population centers located over particularly rich resource deposits. The corporation knew that competition for the planet's development would be stiff, thus any delays in gaining access to it would be costly.

Omvistus was sent in as the primary negotiator. Typical of his style, Omvistus opted for intimidation to secure his way. When put into contact with Leonalle Yvesk, the planetary administrator, Omvistus chose a terrifying, cybernetically-altered avatar to appear on the video communications screen. Coupled with a booming voice, this achieved the desired effect, as Yvesk was noticeably nervous throughout negotiations.

Despite his preparations, Yvesk proved intractable when it came to relocating large portions of the population. Omvistus then targeted Yvesk's office from an orbiting battleship, threatening to reduce it and the surrounding city to atomic particles. Yvesk took Omvistus's threats seriously and backed down, promising to deliver on all of Omvistus's demands.

Details of these negotiations gradually leaked to the Scope thanks to anonymous sources within Yvesk's offices. The threat of deadly force by Omvistus raised some concern throughout the Federation, but such incidents proved to be rare. Omvistus and his corporation kept a relatively low profile following the outrage and continue to act on their own goals to this day.

See Also

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